Critical Care Reviews Trials Results Livestream
12mg vs 6mg dexamethasone in patients with severe COVID-19 and hypoxia
Published Paper
Published Editorial
Related Trials
COVID STEROID 2 Trial Results Presentation
Prof Sheila Nainan Myatra (Mumbai, India), Prof Bala Ventakesh (Brisbane, Australia), Prof Anders Perner (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Prof Marion Campbell (Aberdeen, Scotland)
Viewer's Questions
Dr Chris Nutt (Belfast)
Panel Discussion
Prof Bram Rochwerg (Hamilton, Canada), Dr Paul Mouncey (London, England) & Prof Colin McArthur (Auckland, New Zealand), Prof Sheila Nainan Myatra (Mumbai, India), Prof Bala Ventakesh (Brisbane, Australia), Prof Anders Perner (Copenhagen, Denmark), Prof Marion Campbell (Aberdeen, Scotland).
The HOPE Trial
Research Challenges during a Pandemic
Dr Bharath Kumar (Chennai, India)
COVID STEROID 2 Trial Results
Livesteam Promo

00:00 | Background | Sheila Myatra |
00:10 | Methods | Bala Venkatesh |
00:20 | Results | Anders Perner |
00:30 | Editorial | Marion Campbell |
00:45 | Reply to the Editorial | COVID-STEROID 2 Team |
00:50 | Viewer's Questions | COVID-STEROID 2 Team |
01:00 | Panel Discussion | Bram Rochwerg Paul Mouncey Colin McArthur |
01:40 | The HOPE Trial - Challenges of Research in a Pandemic | Bharath Kumar |
01:55 | End |

Sheila Nainan Myatra
Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, HBNI University , Mumbai, India
Professor Sheila Nainan Myatra is a consultant in Intensive Care Medicine at the Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai, India. She is the President of the All India Difficult Airway Association (AIDAA). She is the Chair of the Intensive & Critical Care Medicine Committee of the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA) and the President Elect 2022 of the Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (ISCCM). She has been the past Vice Chancellor of the Indian College of Critical Care Medicine.
Her research interests include hemodynamic monitoring, airway management and sepsis. She developed a new test in hemodynamic monitoring, called the “tidal volume challenge” (CCM 2017). She is among the 14 international airway experts working on the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) difficult airway guidelines and the Project for the Universal Management of the Airways (PUMA guidelines). She serves on the editorial board of Anaesthesia, Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia, Journal of Critical Care, Trends in Anaesthesia & Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (past).
Twitter: @SheilaMyatra

Bala Venkatesh
Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Bala Venkatesh is Director of Intensive Care at the Wesley Hospital, Pre-Eminent Specialist in Intensive Care Medicine at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Professor of Intensive Care Medicine at the University of Queensland, and at the University of New South Wales, and Professorial Fellow at the George Institute for Global Health, Sydney Australia. He has completed Fellowship training in Internal Medicine, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine. He then undertook a research degree from the University of Birmingham, UK which led to the award of an MD. He pioneered the development of a continuous blood gas monitoring system which reached clinical application. He served as the President for the College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand between 2014-2016. He was the Principal Investigator of the NHMRC funded multi-center international ADRENAL trial which is largest septic shock trial to date. This was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. His research interests include glucocorticoid physiology in critical illness including the development of the idea of the "sick euadrenal state, sepsis, and vitamin D in critical illness. He has published more than 180 papers, and 40 book chapters internationally.

Anders Perner
Professor in Intensive Care Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Anders Perner is a senior staff specialist and professor in intensive care at Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen and an honorary professor of the George Institute in Sydney. His focus is on clinical research in critically ill patients and he chairs the Danish national Centre for Research in Intensive Care and the Scandinavian Critical Care Trials Group. He was the chair of three land-mark trials, the 6S, TRISS and CLASSIC trials, the results of which has improved the fluid and transfusion therapy of patients with sepsis. His ongoing research continues along this track testing frequent interventions given to critically ill patient for which there are doubts about the balance between benefit and harm. The ongoing clinical research programs include the use of oxygen, anti-psychotics, IV fluids, anti-arrhythmics, antibiotics and steroids in intensive care patients.
Twitter: @AndersPerner

Marion Campbell
Professor of Health Services Research, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
Marion Campbell is Vice-Principal (Research) for the University of Aberdeen and Professor of Health Services Research in the Health Services Research Unit (HSRU). Marion is a medical statistician and clinical trialist. Her main research interests are in the design, conduct and analysis of clinical trials, especially complex trial design and the design and conduct of surgical and device trials. She has published widely on clinical trials methodology, including on cluster randomised trials, design of trials of non-pharmacological interventions, pragmatic trials and trials reporting. She has served on many national and international funding agencies and committees and is an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Faculty of Public Health and the International Society for Clinical Trials.
Marion graduated with an honours degree in Statistics from the University of Aberdeen and subsequently gained an MSc in Statistics and PhD in Public Health. Following early career appointments within the National Health Service in the fields of Operational Research and Statistics of Medical Audit, she joined the Health Services Research Unit in 1993. She became Director of the Unit in 2007 - a position she held until the end of 2015, when she became Dean of Research for Life Sciences and Medicine. She took up the role of Vice-Principal (Research) in October 2017. HSRU remains her academic base.
Twitter: @MarionKCampbell

Bram Rochwerg
Assistant Professor, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
Dr. Bram Rochwerg is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine (Division of Critical Care) at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada with a joint appointment in the Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact. He is the site lead and research lead at the Juravinski Hospital. Dr. Rochwerg has scientific experience and expertise with meta-analysis, network meta-analysis, prospective observational trials, RCTs, resource utilization and clinical practice guidelines.
Twitter: @Bram_Rochwerg

Paul Mouncey
Head of Research at the ICNARC Clinical Trials Unit, London, England
Dr Paul Mouncey is an epidemiologist and Head of Research at the ICNARC Clinical Trials Unit, London, with over 15 years experience of conducting multicentre randomised clinical trials. He was the chief investigator for the 65 trial (NIHR HTA 15/80/39), which was a highly challenging trial within the critical care setting, and was undertaken using extensive data collected routinely by the national clinical audit for critical care (Case Mix Programme) database. Paul sits on both the NIHR Critical Care National Specialty Specialty Group, which has responsibility for overseeing delivery of studies on the NIHR portfolio for critical care, and the UK Critical Care Research Group.
Twitter: @PaulMouncey

Colin McArthur
Professor of Medicine, McMaster University, Canada
Dr Colin McArthur is a senior intensive care specialist in the Department of Critical Care Medicine, Auckland City Hospital. Graduating from Auckland University, he trained in both anaesthesia and intensive care medicine in New Zealand, the UK and Hong Kong. He is a past Chair of the Australia and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS) Clinical Trials Group with over 25 years’ experience in investigator-led large-scale multicentre intensive care trials. In addition to being an active clinical trialist, Dr. McArthur also leads research governance for New Zealand’s largest clinical research facility at Auckland City Hospital, and holds honorary/adjunct appointments at Auckland University and Monash University, Melbourne.
Twitter: @cjmca

Bharath Kumar
Intensivist, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai, India
Dr Bharath Kumar Tirupakuzhi Vijayaraghavan is a Critical Care Physician based in Chennai, India. He leads the Indian Registry of IntenSive care (IRIS), a network of ICUs across India and through IRIS, is a member of the ISARIC coalition. In addition, he serves on the Research Committee of the Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine. He is also an Honorary Senior Fellow at the George Institute for Global Health, New Delhi, India. Bharath Kumar leads a number of COVID and non-COVID research projects in resource-limited settings and is focused on epidemiology and clinical trials. Specific to COVID-19, he is the PI for a trial of HCQ prophylaxis for HCWs (HOPE trial) and is an International Steering Committee member for the COVID-Steroid 2 trial, which is comparing low vs. high dose Dexamethasone for critically ill patients with COVID-19. In addition, he serves on the International WHO respiratory support panel which focuses on trials of respiratory support for critically ill COVID-19 patients. He was also the site investigator for the WHO-led SOLIDARITY trial of repurposed therapies for COVID-19.
Twitter: @bharathkumartv
Munch MW, Myatra S, Vijayaraghavan BKT, Saseedharan S, Benfied T, et al. Dexamethasone 12 mg versus 6 mg for patients with COVID-19 and severe hypoxia: an international, randomized, blinded trial. MedRxiv 2021;epublished July 24th