Critical Care Reviews Newsletter
Newsletter 480 | February 21st 2021

IL-6 Receptor Antagonist Domain Results Presentation - Thursday, February 25th
Welcome to the 480th Critical Care Reviews Newsletter, bringing you the best critical care research and open access articles from across the medical literature over the past seven days.
The highlights of this week's edition are a randomised controlled trial investigating vitamin D3 in patients with moderate to severe COVID-19; a systematic review and meta analysis on remdesivir and systemic corticosteroids for the treatment of COVID-19; and an observational study on prone positioning in mechanically ventilated patients with COVID-19-related respiratory failure. There are also guidelines on acute kidney injury in children & the nutritional management of the critically ill neonate; narrative reviews on renal dysfunction in cirrhosis & the intensive care management of patients with COVID-19; an editorial on prophylactic anticoagulation for patients in hospital with covid-19; and a commentary on trends in COVID-19-related in-hospital mortality: lessons learned from nationwide samples.
If you only have time to read one review article this week, try this one on pharmacological mechanisms of immunomodulatory agents for the treatment of severe cases of COVID-19 infection.
CCR Spring Series of Trial Results
The first of our Spring Series of major trial results starts this Thursday, February 25th, with the presentation of the full results of the REMAP-CAP IL-6 receptor antagonist domain. The timing isn't confirmed just yet, but, as usual, this will be a full, free livestream accessible on the Critical Care Reviews website, CCR Vimeo channel and on Twitter. Please watch the CCR homepage for further updates, including the full programme for the session. It's likely to take place in the evening / early night time UTC.
Randomised Controlled Trials
- Murai. Effect of a Single High Dose of Vitamin D3 on Hospital Length of Stay in Patients With Moderate to Severe COVID-19. A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2021;epublished February 17th
- Sjöblom. Pre-oxygenation using high-flow nasal oxygen vs. tight facemask during rapid sequence induction. Anaesthesia 2021;epublished February 18th
- Zeroual. Restrictive Transfusion Strategy after Cardiac Surgery: Role of Central Venous Oxygen Saturation Trigger: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Anesthesiology 2021;134:370-380
Systematic Review & Meta Analyses
- Sallam. The Diagnostic Accuracy of Noninvasive Methods to Measure the Intracranial Pressure: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Anesth Analg 2021;132(3):686-695
- Kinslow. Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of Aorta: A Systematic Review. Am Surg 2021;epublished February 19th
- Ahmed. Prognostic Value of Serum Procalcitonin in COVID-19 Patients: A Systematic Review. Indian J Crit Care Med 2021;25(1):77–84
- Lee. Remdesivir and systemic corticosteroids for the treatment of COVID-19: A Bayesian re-analysis. Int J Infect Dis 2021;104:671-676
Observational Studies
- Mathews. Prone Positioning and Survival in Mechanically Ventilated Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019-Related Respiratory Failure. Crit Care Med 2021;epublished February 17th
- Al Sulaiman. Clinical Features and Outcomes of Critically Ill Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): A Multicenter Cohort Study. Int J Infect Dis 2021 February 15th
- Pellegrini. Incidence of venous thromboembolism among patients with severe COVID-19 requiring mechanical ventilation compared to other causes of respiratory failure: a prospective cohort study. J Thromb Thrombolysis 2021;epublished February 18th
- Prabhakar. Consensus Statement on Analgo-sedation in Neurocritical Care and Review of Literature. Indian J Crit Care Med 2021;25(2):126-133
- Nutritional Management of the Critically ill Neonate: A Position Paper of the ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2021;epublished February 16th
- Drug-induced liver injury: A management position paper from the Latin American Association for Study of the liver. Ann Hepatol 2021;epublished February 17th
- Use of Intravenous Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media in Patients With Kidney Disease: Consensus Statements from the American College of Radiology and the National Kidney Foundation. Kidney Med 2021;3(1):142–150
- Alabbas. Canadian Association of Paediatric Nephrologists COVID-19 Rapid Response: Guidelines for Management of Acute Kidney Injury in Children. Can J Kidney Health Dis 2021;8:2054358121990135
- Bahari. Pharmacological mechanism of immunomodulatory agents for the treatment of severe cases of COVID-19 infection. Inflamm Res 2021;epublished February 19th
- Santiesteban-Lores. A double edged-sword - The Complement System during SARS-CoV-2 infection. Life Sci 2021;epublished February 17th
- Hajjar. Intensive care management of patients with COVID-19: a practical approach. Ann Intensive Care 2021;11:36
- Hu. Characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Nat Rev Microbiol 2021;19:141–154
- V’kovski. Coronavirus biology and replication: implications for SARS-CoV-2. Nat Rev Microbiol 2021;19:155–170
- Vandenberg. Considerations for diagnostic COVID-19 tests. Nat Rev Microbiol 2021;19:171–183
- Gu. Thrombocytopathy and endotheliopathy: crucial contributors to COVID-19 thromboinflammation. Nat Rev Cardiol 2021;18:194–209
- Abola. A Practical Guide for Anesthesia Providers on the Management of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Patients in the Acute Care Hospital. Anesth Analg 2021;132(3):594-60
- Bowdle. “Test and Standard Precautions”—Is It Enough to Protect Us From False-Negative Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Test Results? Anesth Analg 2021;132(3):616-621
- Althaus. New Developments in the Pathophysiology and Management of Primary Immune Thrombocytopenia. Hamostaseologie 2021;epublished December 21st
- Longstaff. Measuring Fibrinolysis. Hamostaseologie 2021; 41(01): 069-075
- Schober. Segmented Regression in an Interrupted Time Series Study Design. Anesth Analg 2021;132(3):696-697
- Hooper. Cutting edge or blunt instrument: how to decide if a stepped wedge design is right for you. BMJ Quality & Safety 2021;30:245-250
- Madahar. Trends in COVID-19-related in-hospital mortality: lessons learned from nationwide samples. Lancet Respir Med 2021;epublished February 15th
- Kadire. Delayed Second Dose versus Standard Regimen for Covid-19 Vaccination. N Engl J Med 2021;epublished February 17th
- Rosenbaum. No Cure without Care — Soothing Science Skepticism. N Engl J Med 2021;epublished February 19th
- Klass. Vaccinating Children against Covid-19 — The Lessons of Measles. N Engl J Med 2021;384:589-591
- Shuren. The FDA’s Experience with Covid-19 Antibody Tests. N Engl J Med 2021;384:592-594
- Allegretti. Acute Kidney Injury Treatment in Decompensated Cirrhosis: A Focus on Kidney Replacement Therapy. Kidney Med 2021;3(1):12–14
- Skegg. Future scenarios for the COVID-19 pandemic. Lancet 2021;epublished February 16th
- Coopersmith. Surviving Sepsis Campaign. Research Priorities for Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Critical Illness. Crit Care Med 2021;epublished February 12th
- Liu. Neutralizing Activity of BNT162b2-Elicited Serum — Preliminary Report. N Engl J Med 2021;epublished February 17th
- Various. Hydroxychloroquine in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19. N Engl J Med 2021;epublished February 10th
- Robertson. Delayed second dose of the BNT162b2 vaccine: innovation or misguided conjecture? Lancet 2021;epublished February 19th
- Bajaj. Delayed-onset myocarditis following COVID-19. Lancet Respir Med 2021;epublished February 19th
- Reindl-Schwaighofer. Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) Elevation in Severe COVID-19. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2021;epublished February 18th
- Shiba. HAT Therapy. Really Beneficial? Chest 2021;2:881
- Garg. Vitamin C in Sepsis. The Road Ahead. 879-880
- Tighe. Ultrasound‐guided fascial plane blocks of the chest wall. Anaesthesia 2021;epublished February 18th
- Olliaro. What does 95% COVID-19 vaccine efficacy really mean? Lancet Infect Dis 2021;epublished February 17th
Case Reports
- Guimarães. Renal replacement therapy by the popliteal vein in a critical patient with COVID-19 in the prone position. J Bras Nefrol 2021;epublished February 12th
- Tale. Bronchoscopic Cryotherapy for Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure in Three Mechanically Ventilated Patients: A Case Series. Indian J Crit Care Med 2021;25(1):94–96
- Nasa. Cardioembolic Stroke with Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: An Unusual Presentation. Indian J Crit Care Med 2021;25(1):97–99
- Goel. Neurological Manifestations of COVID-19: A Series of Seven Cases. Indian J Crit Care Med 2021;25(2):219-223
- Sarma. Crochetage Sign—An Invaluable Independent ECG Sign in detecting ASD. Indian J Crit Care Med 2021; 25 (2):234-235
- Burke. Acute Tracheal Necrosis After Intubation in a Childhood Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Chest 2021;159(2):e65-e67
- Fox. A 47-Year Old Woman With Rapidly Progressive Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure. Chest 2021;159(2):e69-e73
- Lee. Altered Mental Status After Esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Chest 2021;159(2):e75-e79
- O’Corragain. A 49-Year-Old Man With Postcoital Hemoptysis. Chest 2021;159(2):e81-e85
- Vaithilingam. A 41-Year-Old Man Presenting With Shortness of Breath, Nausea, Vomiting, and Diarrhea. Chest 2021;159(2):e87-e91
- Marwah. Cement Factory Worker Presenting With Raynaud Phenomenon, Breathlessness, and Digital Ulcers. Chest 2021;159(2):93-e96
- Sass, A 39-Year-Old Woman With Hemoptysis, Polydipsia, and Polyuria. Chest 2021;159(2):e97-e101
- Chuan. An 86-Year-Old Woman Presenting With 2 Weeks of Worsening Dyspnea and Cough. Chest 2021;159(2):e103-e106
- Roshkovan. A 53-Year-Old Man Presents to the ED With Shortness of Breath, Cough, and Fever. Chest 2021;159(2):e107-e113
- Berleur. A 29-Year-Old Man With an Osteolytic Rib Lesion. Chest 2021;159(2):e115-e117
- Hui. Chronic Cough With Non-Resolving Mass-like Consolidation. Chest 2021;159(2):119-e126
- Jabbour. Sudden Cardiopulmonary Collapse in a Patient With Coronavirus Disease 2019. Chest 2021;159(2):e127-e129