Critical Care Reviews Newsletter
Newsletter 481 | February 28th 2021

Dr Lennie Derde (Utrecht, The Netherlands) presents the results of the REMAP-CAP IL-6 Receptor Antagonist Domain
Welcome to the 481st Critical Care Reviews Newsletter, bringing you the best critical care research and open access articles from across the medical literature over the past seven days.
The highlight of this week's edition is the presentation and publication of the REMAP-CAP IL-6 receptor antagonist domain results, which we hosted on Thursday night. The full recording is available on the CCR homepage and the paper was simultaneously published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
In other news, the BACLOREA trial, investigating the effect of high-dose baclofen on agitation-related events among patients with unhealthy alcohol use receiving mechanical ventilation, presented at eCCR21, has been published in JAMA; the VICTAS trial, the latest RCT examining the effect of vitamin C, thiamine, and hydrocortisone in patients with sepsis is also out in JAMA; and the final report of the dexamethasone arm of the RECOVERY randomised controlled trial has been published too.
Randomised Controlled Trials
- The REMAP-CAP Investigators. Interleukin-6 Receptor Antagonists in Critically Ill Patients with Covid-19. N Engl J Med 2021;epublished February 25th
- Rosas. Tocilizumab in Hospitalized Patients with Severe Covid-19 Pneumonia. N Engl J Med 2021;epublished February 25th
- Vourc’h, Effect of High-Dose Baclofen on Agitation-Related Events Among Patients With Unhealthy Alcohol Use Receiving Mechanical Ventilation. A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2021;325(8):732-74
- Sevransky. Effect of Vitamin C, Thiamine, and Hydrocortisone on Ventilator- and Vasopressor-Free Days in Patients With SepsisThe VICTAS Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2021;325(8):742-750
- The RECOVERY Collaborative Group. Dexamethasone in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19.N Engl J Med 2021;384:693-704
- van Rijn. Hypothermic Machine Perfusion in Liver Transplantation — A Randomized Trial. N Engl J Med 2021;epublished February 24th
- Mazighi. Safety and efficacy of intensive blood pressure lowering after successful endovascular therapy in acute ischaemic stroke (BP-TARGET): a multicentre, open-label, randomised controlled trial. Lancet Neurology 2021;epublished February 26th
Systematic Review & Meta Analyses
- Janiaud. Association of Convalescent Plasma Treatment With Clinical Outcomes in Patients With COVID-19A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA 2021;epublished February 26th
- Zhao. Classification and effectiveness of different oxygenation goals in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients: network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Eur Respir J 2021 Feb 25:2002928
- Mok. Freeze-dried plasma for major trauma – Systematic review and meta-analysis. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2021;90(3):589-602
- Kaka. Major Update: Remdesivir for Adults With COVID-19 : A Living Systematic Review and Meta-analysis for the American College of Physicians Practice Points. Ann Intern Med. 2021;epublished February 9th
- Duan. Energy delivery guided by indirect calorimetry in critically ill patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Crit Care 2021;25:88
- Mezzano. Global burden of disease: acute-on-chronic liver failure, a systematic review and meta-analysis. Gut 2021;epublished January 12th
- Kanjo. Efficacy and safety of liver support devices in acute and hyperacute liver failure: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Sci Rep 2021;11:4189
Observational Studies
- Mochizuki. Acidemia subtypes in critically ill patients: An international cohort study. J Crit Care 2021;epublished February 26th
- Stravitz. Coagulopathy, Bleeding Events and Outcome According to Rotational Thromboelastometry in Patients with Acute Liver Injury/Failure. Hepatology 2021;epublished February 26th
- Beaubien-Souligny. Frailty status among older critically ill patients with severe acute kidney injury. Crit Care 2021;25(1):84
- El Bouzidi. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 Infections in Critical Care Staff: Beware the Risks Beyond the Bedside. Crit Care Med 2021;49(3):428-436
- Huijben. Use and impact of high intensity treatments in patients with traumatic brain injury across Europe: a CENTER-TBI analysis. Crit Care 2021;25:78
- Domínguez-Gil. Expanding controlled donation after the circulatory determination of death: statement from an international collaborative. Intensive Care Med 2021;epublished February 26th
- De Luca. Surfactant therapies for pediatric and neonatal ARDS: ESPNIC expert consensus opinion for future research steps. Crit Care 2021;25:75
- Deep. Acute Kidney Injury and Special Considerations during Renal Replacement Therapy in Children with Coronavirus Disease-19: Perspective from the Critical Care Nephrology Section of the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care. Blood Purif 2021;50:150–160
- Rappold. Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in the trauma intensive care unit: an American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Critical Care Committee Clinical Consensus Document. Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open 2021;6:e000643
- Tomo. Complement activation and coagulopathy - an ominous duo in COVID19, Expert Review Hematology 2021;14(2):155-173
- Karamchandani. Challenges in Sedation Management in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19: a Brief Review. Curr Anesthesiol Rep 2021;epublished February 26th
- Chomton. Transforming a paediatric ICU to an adult ICU for severe Covid-19: lessons learned. Eur J Pediatr 2021;epublished February 26th
- Catapano. Role of advanced imaging in COVID-19 cardiovascular complications. Insights Imaging 2021;12:28
- AL Shareef. Cytokine Blood Filtration Responses in COVID-19. Blood Purif 2021;50:141–149
- Jha. Evolution of COVID-19 management in critical care: review and perspective from a hospital in the United Kingdom. Acute Critical Care 2021;36(1):1-14
- Burgess. Effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on the recovery of people with COVID-19 admitted to the intensive care unit: A narrative review. J Rehabil Med 2021;epublished February 26th
- Mulvey. Use of Processed Electroencephalography in the Clinical Setting. Curr Anesthesiol Rep 2021;10:480–487
- Giannitsis. Critical appraisal of the 2020 ESC guideline recommendations on diagnosis and risk assessment in patients with suspected non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome. Clin Res Cardiol 2021;epublished February 26th
- Erstad. Drug dosing in the critically ill obese patient: a focus on medications for hemodynamic support and prophylaxis. Crit Care 2021;25:77
- Gaut. Acute kidney injury pathology and pathophysiology: a retrospective review. Clin Kid J 2021;14(2):526–536
- Hovgaard. Suxamethonium-Induced Hyperkalemia: A Short Review of Causes and Recommendations for Clinical Applications. Critical Care Research and Practice 2021;Article ID 6613118
- Wittekamp. Less daily oral hygiene is more in the ICU: no. Intensive Care Med 2021; epublished February 8th
- Pnevmatikos. Thirty years of career in Intensive Care Medicine. Intensive Care Med 2021;epublished February 8th
- Meeks. COVID-19 Communication—The Need for Humanity, Empathy, and Grace. JAMA 2021;325(8):725-726
- Kolte. New Insights Into Plaque Erosion as a Mechanism of Acute Coronary Syndromes. JAMA 2021;epublished February 22nd
- Tenforde. Identifying COVID-19 Risk Through Observational Studies to Inform Control Measures. JAMA 2021;epublished February 22nd
- Creech. SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines. JAMA 2021;epublished February 26th
- Palevsky. COVID-19 and AKI: Where Do We Stand? J Am Soc Nephrol 2021;epublished February 26th
- Avdeev. Can lung ultrasound predict histologic pattern of lung injury in critically ill patients with COVID‑19?. Intensive Care Med 2021;epublished February 25th
- Various. Percutaneous Tracheostomy. N Engl J Med 2021;384:779-781
- Contou. Causes and timing of death in critically ill COVID-19 patients. Crit Care 2021;25:79
- Schinkel. Association of clinical sub-phenotypes and clinical deterioration in COVID-19: further cluster analyses. Intensive Care Med 2021;epublished February 18th
- Fleuren. Large-scale ICU data sharing for global collaboration: the first 1633 critically ill COVID-19 patients in the Dutch Data Warehouse. Intensive Care Med 2021;epublished February 17th
- Schmidt. Hypnotic suggestions of safety improve well-being in non-invasively ventilated patients in the intensive care unit. Intensive Care Med 2021;epublished February 17th
- Obarzanek. Withholding and withdrawal of life support in critically ill patients at the end of life: pain is not the only symptom to manage. Intensive Care Med 2021;epublished February 11th
- Rousset. Bedside ultrasound monitoring of prone position induced lung inflation. Intensive Care Med 2021;epublished February 22nd
Case Reports
- Lucas. A 19-Year-Old Man with Shock, Multiple Organ Failure, and Rash. N Engl J Med 2021;
- Homsy. Physiological changes due to a rapid ascent from 55 metres underwater. J Intensive Care Soc 2021 22(1):88–91
- Heiss. Non-ischemic pneumatosis coli in acute abdomen. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2020;117:877
- Rößler. Gas-Forming Infection of the Kidneys Due to Facultative Anaerobes. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2020;117:870