Critical Care Reviews Newsletter
Newsletter 502 | July 26th 2021

Three Major Trial Results Livestreams Coming Up
Welcome to the 502nd Critical Care Reviews Newsletter, bringing you the best critical care research and open access articles from across the medical literature over the past seven days.
The highlight of this week's edition is the preprint of the COVID STEROID 2 trial, comparing 12 mg with 6 mg of dexamethasone in patients with COVID-19 and severe hypoxia. There are also randomised controlled trials on the effect of reinstituting mechanical ventilation for 1 hour after a spontaneous breathing trial & the effect of canakinumab in patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19; systematic reviews and meta analyses on conservative oxygen therapy for critically ill patients & clinical trials in COVID-19 management & prevention; and observational studies on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against the B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant & pulmonary function and radiologic features in survivors of critical COVID-19.
There is also a statement on advancing precision medicine for ARDS; narrative reviews on ICU survivorship & ethics in extracorporeal life support; an editorial on takeaways from a year of pandemic research; and commentaries on the future of acute and emergency care & CPAP after major abdominal surgery.
If you only have time to read one review article this week, try this one on myocarditis in COVID-19 patients.
Randomised Controlled Trials
- Preprint: The COVID STEROID 2 trial investigators. Dexamethasone 12 mg versus 6 mg for patients with COVID-19 and severe hypoxia: an international, randomized, blinded trial. MedRxiv 2021;epublished July 24th
- Dadam. The Effect of Reconnection to Mechanical Ventilation for 1 Hour After Spontaneous Breathing Trial on Reintubation Among Patients Ventilated for More Than 12 Hours. A Randomized Clinical Trial. Chest 2021;160(1):148-156
- Caricchio. Effect of Canakinumab vs Placebo on Survival Without Invasive Mechanical Ventilation in Patients Hospitalized With Severe COVID-19. A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2021;326(3):230-239
- Li. Delirium in Older Patients after Combined Epidural–General Anesthesia or General Anesthesia for Major Surgery: A Randomized Trial. Anesthesiology 2021;135:218–232
- Joosten. Computer-assisted Individualized Hemodynamic Management Reduces Intraoperative Hypotension in Intermediate- and High-risk Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Anesthesiology 2021;135:258–272
- Ledowski. Reversal of residual neuromuscular block with neostigmine or sugammadex and postoperative pulmonary complications: a prospective, randomised, double-blind trial in high-risk older patients. Br J Anaesth 2021;127(2):316-323
- Lipcsey. Endotoxin Removal in Septic Shock with the Alteco LPS Adsorber Was Safe But Showed no Benefit Compared to Placebo in the Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial—the Asset Study. Shock 2020;54(2):224-231
- Fuest. Comparison of volume-controlled, pressure-controlled, and chest compression-induced ventilation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation with an automated mechanical chest compression device: a randomized clinical pilot study. Resuscitation 2021;epublished July 21st
Systematic Review & Meta Analyses
- Chen. Conservative oxygen therapy for critically ill patients: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Intensive Care 2021;9:47
- Dumas. Survival in Immunocompromised Patients Ultimately Requiring Invasive Mechanical Ventilation: A Pooled Individual Patient Data Analysis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2021;204(2):187–196
- Lee. The effect of higher versus lower protein delivery in critically ill patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Crit Care 2021;25:260
- Honarmand. Clinical Trials in COVID-19 Management & Prevention: A Meta-epidemiological Study examining. J Clin Epi 2021;epublished July 14th
- Jawaid. Efficacy and safety of N-acetylcysteine for the treatment of non-acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Exp Hepatol 2021;7(2):156-164
Observational Studies
- Warner. Pulmonary Aspiration of Gastric Contents: A Closed Claims Analysis. Anesthesiology 2021;135:284–291
- Wong. Emergency Airway Management in Patients with COVID-19: A Prospective International Multicenter Cohort Study. Anesthesiology 2021;135:292–303
- Tsareva. Inhaled iloprost improves gas exchange in patients with COVID-19 and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Crit Care 2021;25:258
- Bernal. Effectiveness of Covid-19 Vaccines against the B.1.617.2 (Delta) Variant. N Engl J Med 2021;epublished July 21st
- Madelaine. Prediction of Brain Death After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Development and Validation of the Brain Death After Cardiac Arrest Score. Chest 2021;160(1):139-147
- Teixeira. The Burden of Mental Illness Among Survivors of Critical Care—Risk Factors and Impact on Quality of Life. A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study. Chest 2021;160(1):157-164
- González-Gutiérrez. Pulmonary Function and Radiologic Features in Survivors of Critical COVID-19. A 3-Month Prospective Cohort. Chest 2021;160(1):187-198
- Prest. Current Trends in Sepsis-Related Mortality in the United States. Crit Care Med 2021;49(8):1276-1284
- Lawler. The Range of Cardiogenic Shock Survival by Clinical Stage: Data From the Critical Care Cardiology Trials Network Registry. Crit Care Med 2021;49(8):1293-1302
- Beitler. Advancing precision medicine for acute respiratory distress syndrome. Lancet Respir Med 2021;epublished July 23rd
- French. Reducing bias in trials due to reactions to measurement: experts produced recommendations informed by evidence. J Clin Epi 2021;epublished July 3rd
- Multimodality imaging of myocardial viability: an expert consensus document from the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI). Eur Heart J - Cardiovasc Imaging 2021;22(8):e97–e125
- Recommendations for Statistical Reporting in Cardiovascular Medicine. A Special Report From the American Heart Association. Circulation 2021;epublished May 25th
- Teixeira-Pinto. Of Scandals and Statistics: Improving Analytical Methods in Clinical and Health Services Research. Circulation 2021;epublished May 25th
- Chen. Potential Adverse Effects of Dexamethasone Therapy on COVID-19 Patients: Review and Recommendations. Infect Dis Ther 2021;epublished July 22nd
- Kanmaniraja. Review of COVID-19, part 1: Abdominal manifestations in adults and multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. Clin Imaging 2021;80:88-110
- Kallet. 2020 Year in Review: Mechanical Ventilation During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Respir Care 2021;66(8):1341-1362
- Marcucci. Vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia: the elusive link between thrombosis and adenovirus-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. Intern Emerg Med 2021;16:1113–1119
- Mele. Myocarditis in COVID-19 patients: current problems. Intern Emerg Med 2021;16:1123–1129
- Al-Tawfiq. COVID-19 and mucormycosis superinfection: the perfect storm. Infection 2021;epublished July 24th
- Huang. Pathophysiology of Brain Injury and Neurological Outcome in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Scoping Review of Preclinical to Clinical Studies. Neurocrit Care 2021;epublished July 23rd
- Mart. ICU Survivorship—The Relationship of Delirium, Sedation, Dementia, and Acquired Weakness. Crit Care Med 2021;49(8):1227-1240
- Drikite. Treatment strategies for new onset atrial fibrillation in patients treated on an intensive care unit: a systematic scoping review. Crit Care 2021;25:257
- Schou. Ethics in extracorporeal life support: a narrative review. Crit Care 2021;25:256
- Guinot. Vasopressor-Sparing Strategies in Patients with Shock: A Scoping-Review and an Evidence-Based Strategy Proposition. J Clin Med 2021;10(14):3164
- Thille. Oxygenation strategies after extubation of critically ill and postoperative patients. J Intensive Med 2021;epublished June 29th
- Mauri. Personalized Positive End-Expiratory Pressure and Tidal Volume in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Bedside Physiology-Based Approach. Crit Care Explor 2021;3(7):e0486
- Yu. Awake Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Which Clinical Issues Should Be Taken Into Consideration. Front Med 2021;8:682526
- Stefanova. Insulin therapy for the non-specialist physician. Clin Med 2021;21(4):e323-e326
- Hussain. Managing hyperglycaemia in inpatients. Clin Med 2021;21(4):e332-e336
- Bion. Society of Critical Care Medicine 50th Anniversary Review Series: Critical Care Education. Crit Care Med 2021;49(8):1241-1253
- Barr. The Coming of Age of Implementation Science and Research in Critical Care Medicine. Crit Care Med 2021;49(8):1254-1275
- Christensen. Effect Modifiers and Statistical Tests for Interaction in Randomized Trials. J Clin Epi 2021;134:174-177
- Bours. Tutorial: A nontechnical explanation of the counterfactual definition of effect modification and interaction. J Clin Epi 2021;134:113-124
- Newcombe. The future of acute and emergency care. Future Healthc J 2021;8(2):e230–6
- Einav. Continuous positive airway pressure after major abdominal surgery: an independent discussion of the Prevention of Respiratory Insufficiency after Surgical Management trial. Br J Anaesth 2021;127(2):310-315
- Kavanagh. Sharing Technology and Vaccine Doses to Address Global Vaccine Inequity and End the COVID-19 Pandemic. JAMA 2021;326(3):219-220
- Krakower. To Err Is Human, to Apologize Is Hard. JAMA 2021;326(3):223-224
- Armstrong. COVID-19 and the Future of Clinical Epidemiology. J Clin Epi 2021;epublished July 17th
- Hick. Social Factors and Critical Care Triage: Right Intentions, Wrong Tools. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2021;204(2):237–238
- Honore. Higher incidence of arrhythmia in COVID-19 than in other community-acquired pneumonia: possible role of concurrent therapies. Crit Care 2021;25:259
- Sjöberg. Letter to the editor. Crit Care 2021;25:255
- Nadeem. High-Dose Prophylactic Anticoagulation in Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia. Chest 2021;160(1):e94-e95
- Myo. Oral, in place of intravenous, paracetamol as the new normal for elective cases. Anaesthesia 2021;76(8):1143-1144
- Leucht. Let us not rush back to odds ratios without a recommendation to convert them to interpretable measures. J Clin Epi 2021;134:172-173
Case Reports
- Zink. Cerebral air embolism after flushing a radial arterial line: a case report. J Emerg Crit Care Med 2021;5:28
- Chong. Dyspnea in a 57-Year-Old Man With Recent Viral Illness. Chest 2021;160(1):e19-e24
- Ghalib. A Young Woman With Recurrent Episodes of Fever and Cough. Chest 2021;160(1):e25-e28
- Hyde. A 67-Year-Old Woman With Abdominal Pain, Paresthesia, and Rapidly Expanding Lung Nodule. Chest 2021;160(1):e29-e34
- Manion. A 34-Year-Old Man With HIV/AIDS and a Cavitary Pulmonary Lesion. Chest 2021;160(1):e35-e38
- Pasula. Spontaneous Hemoptysis in a Patient With COVID-19. Chest 2021;160(1):e39-e44
- Qin. A 12-Year-Old Girl Presenting With Recurrent Dyspnea and Pulmonary Ground-Glass Opacities. Chest 2021;160(1):e45-e50
- Saha. A 75-Year-Old Woman With Pulmonary Nodules and Dyspnea. Chest 2021;160(1):e51-e56
- Perlepe. A 72-Year-Old Woman With Multiple Pulmonary Nodules and a History of Malignancy. Chest 2021;160(1):e57-e61
- Watabe. Rare Diagnosis of a Multilobular Pulmonary Mass. Chest 2021;160(1):e63-e67
- Kattih. Intermittent Cough and Hemoptysis With Tree-in-Bud Opacities on Imaging. Chest 2021;160(1):e69-e75
- McDill. Can You Catch a Break? Thoracic Ultrasound Images for the Identification of Pleural Effusion Cause After a Fall. Chest 2021;160(1):e77-e79
- Prats. A Vaporizing Revelation. Unexplained Hemoptysis. Chest 2021;160(1):e81-e84
- Edwards. Pregnancy-induced atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome. Clin Med 2021;21(4):e403-e404
- Badu-Boateng. Artery of Percheron infarct: hiding in plain sight. Clin Med 2021;21(4):e405-e407
- Singh. Images of the month 2: A target sign in COVID-19 pneumonia. Clin Med 2021;21(4):e410-e411
- Patil. Lessons of the month 1: Cardiac tamponade: don't forget the pancreas. Clin Med 2021;21(4):e414-e416