Critical Care Reviews Newsletter
Newsletter 507 | August 29th 2021

Welcome to the 507th Critical Care Reviews Newsletter, bringing you the best critical care research and open access articles from across the medical literature over the past seven days.
The highlights of this week's edition are randomised controlled trials on angiography after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest without ST-segment elevation & a comparison of inhaled isoflurane via the anaesthetic conserving device and propofol for sedation of invasively ventilated patients in the ICU; systematic reviews and meta analyses on patient–ventilator asynchrony & awake prone positioning in the management of COVID-19 pneumonia; and observational studies on the risk of thrombocytopenia and thromboembolism after COVID-19 vaccination & six-month quality of life in COVID-19 ICU survivors.
There are also guidelines from the ESC on the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure, and jointly from the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine and the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine, on the management of sepsis and septic shock; two paired narrative reviews from The Lancet, on brain injury after cardiac arrest & cardiopulmonary resuscitation in special circumstances; as well as commentaries on COVID-19 in Canada & time to update the ARDS definition.
If you only have time to read one review article this week, try this one on adjunctive treatments for the management of septic shock.
If you haven't yet listened to the Critical Care Reviews Podcast, perhaps try either of the two podcasts which were released this week. The first was the latest episode in our series on the REMAP-CAP adaptive platform trial. Dr Lennie Derde, chair of the International Trial Steering Committee and European Coordinating Investigator, discusses the behind the scenes running of this major international trial. The second was the follow-up podcast to the BaSICS trial result livestream, and featured the trial leads Drs Fernando Zampieri and Alexandre Biasi Cavalcante addressing the questions and comments on the trial which were posted on Twitter.
Randomised Controlled Trials
- Desch. Angiography after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest without ST-Segment Elevation. N Engl J Med 2021;epublished August 29th
- Meiser. Inhaled isoflurane via the anaesthetic conserving device versus propofol for sedation of invasively ventilated patients in intensive care units in Germany and Slovenia: an open-label, phase 3, randomised controlled, non-inferiority trial. Lancet Respir Med 2021;epublished August 26th
- Valgimigli. Dual Antiplatelet Therapy after PCI in Patients at High Bleeding Risk. N Engl J Med 2021;epublished August 28th
- Supinski. A randomized controlled trial to determine whether beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate and/or eicosapentaenoic acid improves diaphragm and quadriceps strength in critically Ill mechanically ventilated patients. Crit Care 2021;25:308
- Amado-Rodríguez. Biotrauma during ultra-low tidal volume ventilation and venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in cardiogenic shock: a randomized crossover clinical trial. Ann. Intensive Care 2021;11:132
- Rahat-Dahmardeh. Comparing the Effect of Neostigmine and Metoclopramide on Gastric Residual Volume of Mechanically Ventilated Patients in Intensive Care Unit: A Double-Blind Randomized. Biomed Res Int 2021:5550653
- Devos. Early high antibody-titre convalescent plasma for hospitalised COVID-19 patients: DAWn-plasma. Eur Respir J 2021;epublished August 26th
Systematic Reviews & Meta Analyses
- Kyo. Patient–ventilator asynchrony, impact on clinical outcomes and effectiveness of interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Intensive Care 2021;9:50
- Chilkoti. Awake Prone Positioning in the Management of COVID-19 Pneumonia: A Systematic Review. Indian J Crit Care Med 2021;25(8):896-905
- Somagutta. The Efficacy of vitamin C, thiamine, and corticosteroid therapy in adult sepsis patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Acute Crit Care 2021;epublished June 30th
- Cheng. Acute Cardiac Injury in Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Other Viral Infections—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Crit Care Med 2021;49(9):1558-1566
- Gustafson. Musculoskeletal complications following critical illness: A scoping review. J Crit Care 2021;66:60-66
- Harnisch. Contraindications to the Initiation of Veno-Venous ECMO for Severe Acute Respiratory Failure in Adults: A Systematic Review and Practical Approach Based on the Current Literature. Membranes 2021;11(8):584
- The Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists' Collaboration. Age-stratified and blood-pressure-stratified effects of blood-pressure-lowering pharmacotherapy for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and death: an individual participant-level data meta-analysis. Lancet 2021;epublished August 26th
Observational Studies
- Kyo. Patient–ventilator asynchrony, impact on clinical outcomes and effectiveness of interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Intensive Care 2021;9:50
- Chilkoti. Awake Prone Positioning in the Management of COVID-19 Pneumonia: A Systematic Review. Indian J Crit Care Med 2021;25(8):896-905
- Somagutta. The Efficacy of vitamin C, thiamine, and corticosteroid therapy in adult sepsis patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Acute Crit Care 2021;epublished June 30th
- Cheng. Acute Cardiac Injury in Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Other Viral Infections—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Crit Care Med 2021;49(9):1558-1566
- Gustafson. Musculoskeletal complications following critical illness: A scoping review. J Crit Care 2021;66:60-66
- Harnisch. Contraindications to the Initiation of Veno-Venous ECMO for Severe Acute Respiratory Failure in Adults: A Systematic Review and Practical Approach Based on the Current Literature. Membranes 2021;11(8):584
- The Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists' Collaboration. Age-stratified and blood-pressure-stratified effects of blood-pressure-lowering pharmacotherapy for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and death: an individual participant-level data meta-analysis. Lancet 2021;epublished August 26th
Protocols and Statistical Analysis Plans
- McDonagh. 2021 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure. Eur Heart J 2021;epublished August 27th
- The Japanese Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock 2020 (J-SSCG 2020). J Intensive Care 2021;9:53
- Recommendations for standards of monitoring during anaesthesia and recovery 2021: Guideline from the Association of Anaesthetists. Anaesthesia 2021;76(9):1212-1223
- Jorgensen. Tocilizumab for COVID-19 in pregnancy and lactation: a narrative review. Clin Microbiol Infect 2021;epublished August 23rd
- Luan. Update Advances on C-Reactive Protein in COVID-19 and Other Viral Infections. Front Immunol 2021;12:720363
- Chen. Autoimmune Encephalitis–Related Seizures and Epilepsy: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches. Mayo Clin Proc 2021;96(8):2029-2039
- Imran. Acute Reperfusion Therapies for Acute Ischemic Stroke. J Clin Med 2021;10(16):3677
- Afonso. Combination Therapy for Neuropathic Pain: A Review of Recent Evidence. J Clin Med 2021;10(16):3533
- Perkins. Brain injury after cardiac arrest. Lancet 2021;epublished August 26th
- Saor. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in special circumstances. Lancet 2021;epublished August 26th
- Lavalle. Flecainide in Ventricular Arrhythmias: From Old Myths to New Perspectives. J Clin Med 2021;10(16):3696
- Dalton. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Rescue Therapies. Crit Care Med 2021;49(9):1375-1388
- Singh. Acute Kidney Injury in Cardiogenic Shock: An Updated Narrative Review. J Cardiovasc Dev Dis 2021;8(8):88
- Massoth. Diagnosis of Cardiac Surgery-Associated Acute Kidney Injury. J Clin Med 2021;10(16):3664
- Hu. The Doctors in ICU Need to Know the Basics of Coagulopathy. J Transl Crit Care Med 2020;2:69-77
- Navas-Blanco. Expert Consensus Decision Pathway of the American College of Cardiology on Management of Bleeding in Patients With Oral Anticoagulants: A Review of the 2020 Update for Perioperative Physicians. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2021;35(8):2471-2479
- Niederman. Initial antimicrobial management of sepsis. Crit Care 2021;25(1):307
- Donovan. Adjunctive treatments for the management of septic shock – a narrative review of the current evidence. Anaesthesia 2021;76(9):1245-1258
- Kang. Bacteria and Sepsis: Microbiome to the Rescue? J Clin Med 2021;10(16):3578
- Sousa. Bacterial Nosocomial Infections: Multidrug Resistance as a Trigger for the Development of Novel Antimicrobials. Antibiotics 2021;10(8):942
- Yoon. MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry Technology as a Tool for the Rapid Diagnosis of Antimicrobial Resistance in Bacteria. Antibiotics 2021;10(8):982
- Lara-Prado. Acute Kidney Injury and Organ Dysfunction: What Is the Role of Uremic Toxins? Toxins 2021;13(8):551
- Marshall. The Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome: Syndrome, Metaphor, and Unsolved Clinical Challenge. Crit Care Med 2021;49(9):1402-1413
- Misak. Patient and Family Engagement in Critical Illness. Crit Care Med 2021;49(9):1389-1401
- Dobler. Users’ Guide to Medical Decision Analysis. Mayo Clin Proc 2021;96(8):2205-2217
- Cadamuro. Rise of the Machines: The Inevitable Evolution of Medicine and Medical Laboratories Intertwining with Artificial Intelligence—A Narrative Review. Diagnostics 2021;11(8):1399
- Barracca. Evolution of Clinical Medicine: From Expert Opinion to Artificial Intelligence. J Transl Crit Care Med 2020;2:78-82
- Barbash. Fostering Hospital Resilience—Lessons From COVID-19. JAMA 2021;326(8):693-694
- Kapłon-Cieślicka. Do we need a definition of acute heart failure with preserved ejection fraction? Ann Med 2021;53(1):1470-1475
- Anonymous. Understanding long COVID: a modern medical challenge. Lancet 2021;398(10302):275
- Barbash. Fostering Hospital Resilience—Lessons From COVID-19. JAMA 2021;326(8):693-694
- Detsky. COVID-19 in Canada. Experience and Response to Waves 2 and 3. JAMA 2021;epublished August 23rd
- Pan. It is time to update the ARDS definition: It starts with COVID-19-induced respiratory failure. J Intensive Med 2021;epublished August 23rd
- Little. Estimands, Estimators, and Estimates. JAMA 2021;epublished August 23rd
- de Metz. Behavioural artificial intelligence technology for COVID-19 intensivist triage decisions: making the implicit explicit. Intensive Care Med 2021;epublished August 25th
- Smith. Pre-oxygenation using high-flow nasal oxygen vs. tight facemask during rapid sequence induction. Anaesthesia 2021;76(9):1274-1274
- Loo. Pre-oxygenation using high-flow nasal oxygen vs. tight facemask during rapid sequence induction: What is really being compared? Anaesthesia 2021;76(9):1276-1277
- Murali. A RUSH to SALVATION? Practical and Tested Ultrasound-Guided Evaluations of Critically ill Patients Already Exist. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2021;epublished August 27th
Case Reports
- Camargo-Martinez. Giant Inverse T-wave in a Patient with COVID-19. J Transl Crit Care Med 2021;3:3
- Colbenson. 61-Year-Old Man With Shortness of Breath and Cough. Mayo Clin Proc 2021;96(8):2243-2247
- Mohan. 45-Year-Old Woman With Fever and Malaise. Mayo Clin Proc 2021;96(8):2248-2253
- Warczytowa. 80-Year-Old Man With Orthopnea, Dyspnea, and Hemoptysis. Mayo Clin Proc 2021;96(8):2254-2259
- Tsukui. Multiple Renal Microaneurysms in Polyarteritis Nodosa. Mayo Clin Proc 2021;96(8):2277-2278
- Durer. Adult-onset ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency as a rare cause of fatal hyperammonaemia. Lancet 2021;398(10302):e11
- Kuehn. Post–COVID-19 Symptoms Were Worse Than Cancer’s Effects. JAMA.2021;326(8):692
- Rubin. Influenza’s Unprecedented Low Profile During COVID-19 Pandemic Leaves Experts Wondering What This Flu Season Has in Store. JAMA 2021;epublished August 25th
- Feinmann. How the world is (not) handling surplus doses and expiring vaccines. BMJ 2021;374:n2062