Critical Care Reviews Newsletter
Newsletter 517 | November 8th 2021
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Announcing a New Partnership with My Intensive Care
Welcome to the 517th Critical Care Reviews Newsletter, bringing you the best critical care research and open access articles from across the medical literature over the past seven days.
The highlights of this week's edition are randomised controlled trials on extubation techniques in critically ill adults & efficacy and safety of enteral erythromycin estolate in combination with intravenous metoclopramide vs intravenous metoclopramide monotherapy in mechanically ventilated patients with enteral feeding intolerance; systematic reviews and meta analyses on non-invasive ventilation versus invasive weaning in critically ill adults & ECPR for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest; and observational studies on death due to irreversible hypoxemic respiratory failure in ARDSnet clinical trials & association of oliguria with acute kidney injury diagnosis, severity assessment, and mortality among patients with critical illness.
There are also guidelines on environmentally-sustainable anaesthesia & reciprocal organ interactions during heart failure; narrative reviews on ultrasound in neurocritical care & hyperoxia pathophysiology in the perioperative setting; editorials on perioperative eye protection & reshaping obstetric critical care with point-of-care ultrasound; and commentaries on cardiac injury in COVID‑19 & understanding significance testing.
If you only have time to read one review article this week, try this one on dynamic extracorporeal life support.
New Partnership with My Intensive Care
We're excited to announce a new partnership with My Intensive Care, a breakthrough digital platform for managing all aspects of your ICU. Critical Care Reviews has expanded significantly over the past 12 months, putting pressure on every aspect of our project. This new agreement allows us to continue to grow and freely provide the latest updates in critical care to all our users.
COCA Livestream
Our next livestream is on Tuesday, November 30th, at 19:30 UTC+0 and features the COCA trial results presentation from Lars Andersen and colleagues. COCA investigates calcium for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Gavin Perkins, chief investigator for the PARAMEDIC2 trial, investigating adrenaline for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, will deliver the independent editorial. As usual, the livestream will be free to watch, although there will be a small charge for those wishing to claim CPD/CME points (registration required - not yet open).
There have been many inquires asking when registration will open for CCR22, on next June 15th to 17th in Titanic Belfast. Our aim is to open in 3-4 weeks, starting with an initial batch of tickets for registered CCR users.
Randomised Controlled Trials
- Andreu. Comparison of Two Extubation Techniques in Critically Ill Adult Subjects: The ExtubAR Randomized Clinical Trial. Respir Care 2021;epublished November 3rd
- Charoensareerat. Efficacy and Safety of Enteral Erythromycin Estolate in Combination With Intravenous Metoclopramide vs Intravenous Metoclopramide Monotherapy in Mechanically Ventilated Patients With Enteral Feeding Intolerance: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Pilot Study. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 2021;45(6):1309-1318
- Abraham. Trial of Furosemide to Prevent Acute Kidney Injury in Critically Ill Children: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Trial. Indian J Pediatr 2021;88(11):1099-1106
- Debbarma. Nebulized Magnesium Sulphate in Bronchiolitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Indian J Pediatr 2021;88(11):1080-1085
- Kulvatunyou. The small (14 Fr) percutaneous catheter (P-CAT) versus large (28–32 Fr) open chest tube for traumatic hemothorax: A multicenter randomized clinical trial. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2021;91(5):809-813
Systematic Reviews & Meta Analyses
- Burns. Non-invasive ventilation versus invasive weaning in critically ill adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Thorax 2021;epublished October 29th
- Moullaali. Early lowering of blood pressure after acute intracerebral haemorrhage: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2021;epublished November 3rd
- Downing. How effective is extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR) for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Emerg Med 2021;51:127-138
- Murao. Effect of tranexamic acid on thrombotic events and seizures in bleeding patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Crit Care 2021;25:380
- Belletti. Efficacy and safety of IL-6 inhibitors in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of multicentre, randomized trials. Ann Intensive Care 2021;11(1):152
Observational Studies
- Bianchi. Association of Oliguria With Acute Kidney Injury Diagnosis, Severity Assessment, and Mortality Among Patients With Critical Illness. JAMA Netw Open 2021;4(11):e2133094
- Bosch. Death due to irreversible hypoxemic respiratory failure in ARDSnet clinical trials. J Crit Care 2021;67:85-87
- Plečko. The obesity paradox and hypoglycemia in critically ill patients. Crit Care 2021;25:378
- Nguyen. Fasting does not guarantee empty stomach in the intensive care unit: A prospective ultrasonographic evaluation (The NUTRIGUS study). Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med 2021;epublished November 4th
- Tatsuma. Timing of Intravenous Epinephrine Administration During Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Shock 2021;56(5):709-717
- Vandervelden. Early administration of Vitamin C in patients with sepsis or septic shock in emergency departments: A multicenter, double blinded, randomized controlled trial: The C-EASIE trial protocol. PLoS One 2021;16(11):e0259699
- Kiguli. Children's Oxygen Administration Strategies And Nutrition Trial (COAST-Nutrition): a protocol for a phase II randomised controlled trial. Wellcome Open Res 2021;6:221
- Research 2021;117(12):2416–2433
- Bassetti. Clinical Management of Adult Patients with COVID-19 Outside Intensive Care Units: Guidelines from the Italian Society of Anti-Infective Therapy (SITA) and the Italian Society of Pulmonology (SIP). Infect Dis Ther 2021;10:1837–1885
- Principles of environmentally-sustainable anaesthesia: a global consensus statement from the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists. Anaesthesia 2021;epublished November 1st
- Rosner. Classification of Uremic Toxins and Their Role in Kidney Failure. CJASN 2021;epublished October 4th
- Acharya. A comprehensive review of vascular complications in COVID-19. J Thromb Thrombolysis 2021;epublished November 1st
- Inui. The role of chest imaging in the diagnosis, management, and monitoring of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Insights Imaging 2021;12:155
- Nathan. A Narrative Review of the Clinical Practicalities of Bamlanivimab and Etesevimab Antibody Therapies for SARS-CoV-2. Infect Dis Ther 2021;10:1933–1947
- Stolarski. Cytokine Drizzle—The Rationale for Abandoning “Cytokine Storm”. Shock 2021;56(5):667-672
- Parker. Addressing the post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection: a multidisciplinary model of care. Lancet Respir Med 2021;9(11):1328-1341
- Sandler. Long COVID and Post-infective Fatigue Syndrome: A Review. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2021;8(10):ofab440
- Ventura. Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System Antagonism in 2019 Novel Coronavirus Acute Lung Injury. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2021;8(10):ofab170
- Bhatt. Role of Ultrasound in Neurocritical Care. J Neuroanaesth Crit Care 2021;08(02):106-111
- Garg. Lung Protective Ventilation in Brain-Injured Patients: Low Tidal Volumes or Airway Pressure Release Ventilation? J Neuroanaesth Crit Care 2021;08(02):118-122
- Daines. The Therapeutic Potential and Limitations of Ketones in Traumatic Brain Injury. Front Neurol 2021;12:723148
- Ocamoto. Intracranial Compliance Concepts and Assessment: A Scoping Review. Front Neurol 2021;12:756112
- Lo Coco. Dynamic extracorporeal life support: A novel management modality in temporary cardio-circulatory assistance. Artif Organs 2021;45(4):427-434
- Swol. Human factors in ECLS - A keystone for safety and quality - A narrative review for ECLS providers. Artif Organs 2021;epublished November 5th
- Hussein. Transoesophageal echocardiography in cardiac arrest: A systematic review. Resuscitation 2021;168:167-175
- Lemiale. Oxygenation strategy during acute respiratory failure in immunocompromised patients. J Intensive Med 2021;epublished October 29th
- Busani. Revisited Hyperoxia Pathophysiology in the Perioperative Setting: A Narrative Review. Front Med 2021;8:689450
- Alge. Two to Tango: Kidney-Lung Interaction in Acute Kidney Injury and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Front Pediatr 2021;9:744110
- Rosner. Uremic Encephalopathy. Kidney Int 2021;epublished November 1st
- Agrawal. Long-Term Infectious Complications of Kidney Transplantation. CJASN 2021;epublished April 21st
- Davis. Managing Patients with Failing Kidney Allograft. CJASN 2021;epublished April 21nd
- Matlock. Advances in novel antibiotics to treat multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacterial infections. Intern Emerg Med 2016;16:2231–2241
- Soriano. Ceftazidime-Avibactam for the Treatment of Serious Gram-Negative Infections with Limited Treatment Options: A Systematic Literature Review. Infect Dis Ther 2021;10:1989–2034
- Berisha. Management of the Unexpected Difficult Airway in Neonatal Resuscitation. Front Pediatr 2021;9:699159
- Burke. Transfusion-Associated Hyperkalemic Cardiac Arrest in Neonatal, Infant, and Pediatric Patients. Front Pediatr 2021;9:765306
- Greenland. Noncollapsibility, confounding, and sparse-data bias. Part 1: The oddities of odds. J Clin Epi 2021;138:178-181
- Madden. Neurocritical Care Society Guidelines Update: Lessons from a Decade of GRADE Guidelines. Neurocrit Care 2021;epublished November 2nd
- Carmona. Comprehensive perioperative eye protection. Braz J Anesthesiol 2021;71(6):595-598
- Mehdiratta. Advancing, strengthening and reshaping obstetric critical care with Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS). Indian J Anaesth 2021;65(10):711-715
- Bunnik. Ethics of rooming-in with COVID-19 patients: Mitigating loneliness at the end of life. J Crit Care 2021;epublished October 30th
- Lellouche. How to avoid an epidemic of endotracheal tube occlusion. Lancet Respir Med 2021;9(11):1215-1216
- Helms. Cardiac injury in COVID‑19. Intensive Care Med 2021;epublished November 2nd
- Monto. The Future of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination — Lessons from Influenza. N Engl J Med 2021;epublished November 6th
- Long. Just the facts: evaluation and management of thermal burns. Can J Emerg Med 2021;epublished November 2nd
- Clyne. Using preprints in evidence synthesis: Commentary on experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Clin Epi 2021;138:203-210
- Armstrong. COVID-19 and the future of clinical epidemiology. J Clin Epi 2021;138:189-193
- Vahanian. The “ten commandments” for the 2021 ESC/EACTS Guidelines on valvular heart disease. Eur Heart J 2021;42(41):4207–4208
- Reynard. COVID-19 rapid diagnostics: practice review. Emergency Medicine Journal 2021;epublished November 5th
- Sidebotham. Understanding significance testing. Anaesthesia 2021;epublished September 21st
- Jaber. Securing the airway in critical care scenarios—questioning the fundamentals. Intensive Care Med 2021;epublished November 3rd
- Honore. Study conclude that TXA in severely injured was associated with lower mortality: beware of potential confounders. Crit Care 2021;25:379
- Schönborn. Decline in Pathogenic Antibodies over Time in VITT. N Engl J Med 2021; 385:1815-1816
- Neetz. Role of total lung stress on the progression of early COVID‑19 pneumonia: collinearity and potential confounders. Intensive Care Med 2021;epublished October 27th
- Jung. The relationship between treatment limitations and pressure on intensive care units in elderly patients. Intensive Care Med 2021;epublished November 5th
- Horn. Prognostication in postanoxic coma: Not too early, not too late. Resuscitation 2021;168:237
- Cheung. Pseudo-PEA: An easily overlooked player in cardiac arrest. Resuscitation 2021;168:240-241
Case Reports
- Sekhon. Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum in COVID-19: The Macklin Effect? Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2021;204(8):989–990
- Duvvuri. A 50-Year-Old Woman With Shortness of Breath. Chest 2021;160(4):e365-e368
- Arabiat. A 56-Year-Old Woman With Nonresolving Pneumonia. Chest 2021;160(4):e369-e370
- Loi. Case 1-2021: A 10-Year-Old Male With Respiratory Failure, Pleural Effusions, and Renal Failure 60 Days After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant. Ped Crit Care Med 2021;22(10):e524-e531
- Zhao. Bronchus-blocked ultrasound-guided percutaneous transthoracic needle biopsy (BUS-PTNB) for intubated patients with severe lung diseases. Crit Care 2021;25:359
- Hock. Case 31-2021: A 21-Year-Old Man with Sore Throat, Epistaxis, and Oropharyngeal Petechiae. N Engl J Med 2021; 385:1511-1520