The 5th Major Trial Results Presentation at CCR22 - the SuDDICU Trial
Welcome to the 545th Critical Care Reviews Newsletter, bringing you the best critical care research and open access articles from across the medical literature over the past seven days. It's a massive edition this week, with a host of fantastic articles throughout all sections.
However, our focus at present is on CCR22, which is now just 3 weeks away. I'm delighted to add the SuDDICU trial results presentation to the programme. This has been a Herculean effort, with a planned 15,000 patients to be enrolled in this multicentre, crossover, cluster randomised controlled trial investigating selective digestive decontamination. This strategy to clear the digestive tract of potentially pathological organisms includes frequent application of an oral antibiotic paste, gastric antibiotic suspension and an intravenous antibiotic. The primary outcome is hospital mortality, up to day 90. Profs John Myburgh and Ian Seppelt (Sydney) will present the results, with Prof John Marshall (Toronto) delivering the editorial.
If you plan on attending CCR22, there is still some space, but the late rush is now happening so don't delay. The Friday night social event is sold out, and the Wednesday and Thursday night social events are filling up and look like selling out also. We've had a cancellation in the creche, so there is a place available. If you aren't able to make it in person, the entire meeting is being freely livestreamed on the Critical Care Reviews website. If you watch virtually and wish to avail of the 18 CPD/CME points, accredited by the Royal College of Anaesthetists, then please register on the website for a relatively low cost. With 6 major trial result presentations, reviews of 8 of the best trials of the past year with their chief investigators, three panel discussions and the annual honorary John Hinds Lecture, the Critical Care Care Reviews Meeting, June 15th to 17th at Titanic Belfast, will be the place to be. Don't miss it!
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Randomised Controlled Trials
- Alhazzani. Effect of Awake Prone Positioning on Endotracheal Intubation in Patients With COVID-19 and Acute Respiratory FailureA Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2022;epublished May 15th
- Eeg-Olofsson. TTCOV19: timing of tracheotomy in SARS-CoV-2-infected patients: a multicentre, single-blinded, randomized, controlled trial. Crit Care 2022;26:142
- Crimi. High-flow nasal oxygen versus conventional oxygen therapy in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia and mild hypoxaemia: a randomised controlled trial. Thorax 2022;epublished May 17th
Systematic Review & Meta Analyses
- Jiang. Prevalence and prognostic value of preexisting sarcopenia in patients with mechanical ventilation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Crit Care 2022;26:140
- Baggott. Epinephrine (adrenaline) compared to selective beta-2-agonist in adults or children with acute asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Thorax 2022;77:563-572
- Dong. Effect of liberal or conservative oxygen therapy on the prognosis for mechanically ventilated intensive care unit patients: a meta-analysis. Sao Paulo Med J 2022;140(3):463-473
- Castro. The impact of early versus late initiation of renal replacement therapy in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury on mortality and clinical outcomes: a meta-analysis. Clin Kid J 2022;epublished May 12th
- Geneen. Efficacy and Safety of Intravenous Iron Therapy for Treating Anaemia in Critically ill Adults: A Rapid Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis. Transfusion Med Revs 2022;36(2):97-106
- Lippi. Efficacy of Physiotherapy Interventions on Weaning in Mechanically Ventilated Critically Ill Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Front Med 2022;9:889218
Observational Studies
- Montgomery. Results of Two Cases of Pig-to-Human Kidney Xenotransplantation. N Engl J Med 2022;386:1889-1898
- Molinari. Utility of Biomarkers for Sepsis-Associated Acute Kidney Injury Staging. JAMA Netw Open 2022;5(5):e2212709
- Matejovic. Medical nutrition therapy and clinical outcomes in critically ill adults: a European multinational, prospective observational cohort study (EuroPN). Crit Care 2022;26:143
- Thouy. Impact of prolonged requirement for insulin on 90-day mortality in critically ill patients without previous diabetic treatments: a post hoc analysis of the CONTROLING randomized control trial. Crit Care 2022;26:138
- Goto. Termination-of-resuscitation rule in the emergency department for patients with refractory out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a nationwide, population-based observational study. Crit Care 2022;26:137
- Gatto. Cytomegalovirus blood reactivation in COVID-19 critically ill patients: risk factors and impact on mortality. Intensive Care Med 2022;epublished May 18th
- Møller. Use of dexmedetomidine for sedation in mechanically ventilated adult ICU patients: a rapid practice guideline. Intensive Care Med 2022;epublished May 19th
- Qi. Practice guidance for the use of terlipressin for liver cirrhosis–related complications. Therap Adv Gastroenterol 2022;15:17562848221098253
- Early management of patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage in a hospital with neurosurgical/neuroendovascular facilities: a consensus and clinical recommendations of the Italian Society of Anesthesia and Intensive Care (SIAARTI)—part 2. J Anesth Analg Crit Care 2022;2:21
- McGinigle. Perioperative care in open aortic vascular surgery: A consensus statement by the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Society and Society for Vascular Surgery. J Vasc Surg 2022;75(6):1796-1820
- Umesh. Preoperative Investigations: Practice Guidelines from the Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists. Indian J Anaesth 2022;66(5):319-343
- Datta. One nation, one roof, one set of preoperative investigations……The guidelines overcoming a diverse demography! Indian J Anaesth 2022;66(5):315-318
- Chavez. Clinical update on COVID-19 for the emergency clinician: Airway and resuscitation. Am J Emerg Med 2022;epublished May 14th
- Barbas. Thoracic Computed Tomography to Assess ARDS and COVID-19 Lungs. Front Physiol 2022;13:829534
- Katagiri. For safe and adequate blood purification therapy in severe COVID-19 ‒ what we have learned so far. Glob Health Med 2022;4(2):94-100
- El-Saber Batiha. COVID-19 and corticosteroids: a narrative review. Inflammopharmacol 2022;epublished May 13th
- Yusuff. Thrombosis and coagulopathy in COVID-19 patients rceiving ECMO: A narrative review of current literature. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2022;epublished March 31st
- Marino. Sarilumab Administration in COVID-19 Patients: Literature Review and Considerations. Infect Dis Rep 2022;14:360–371
- Jhuti. Interferon Treatments for SARS-CoV-2: Challenges and Opportunities. Infect Dis Ther 2022;11:953–972
- Meyfroidt. Management of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: an update for the intensivist. Intensive Care Med 2022;epublished May 20th
- Wang. Updates on Selective Brain Hypothermia: Studies From Bench Work to Clinical Trials. Front Neurol 2022;13:899547
- Vaišvilas. Paraneoplastic encephalitis: clinically based approach on diagnosis and management. Postgraduate Med J 2022;epublished May 19th
- de Keijzer. What is new in microcirculation and tissue oxygenation monitoring?. J Clin Monit Comput 2022;36:291–299
- Flick. What is new in hemodynamic monitoring and management?. J Clin Monit Comput 2022;36:305–313
- Tam. Mechanical Circulatory Support. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2022;epublished May 20th
- Lazarou. Acute Pericarditis: Update. Curr Cardiol Rep 2022;epublished May 20th
- Pan. Acute Liver Failure Management and Liver Transplantation. Liver Transpl 2022;epublished May 16th
- Velasco. Evaluation and management of emergencies in the patient with cirrhosis. Rev Gastroenterol Mex 2022;epublished May 12th
- Palmer. How to approach haemolysis: Haemolytic anaemia for the general physician. Clin Med 2022;22:210-213
- Ashworth. Thrombocytopenia: the good, the bad and the ugly. Clin Med 2022;22:214-217
- Patel. Sepsis Management for the Nephrologist. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2022;epublished May 12th
- Watkins. Using Precision Medicine for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Viral Pneumonia. Adv Ther 2022;epublished May 21st
- Li. Current Understanding of Long-Term Cognitive Impairment After Sepsis. Front Immunol 2022;13:855006
- Viasus. Legionnaires’ Disease: Update on Diagnosis and Treatment. Infect Dis Ther 2022;11:973–986
- Regling. Viscoelastic Testing in Pediatric Mechanical Circulatory Support. Front Med 2022;9:854258
- Saddi. Pediatric Average Volume Assured Pressure Support. Front Pediatr 2022;10:868625
- Bartlett. Pediatric Acute Liver Failure: Re-examining key clinical features, current management, and research prospects. Liver Transpl 2022;epublished May 12th
- Engel. Modified ABCDEF-Bundles for Critically Ill Pediatric Patients - What Could They Look Like? Front Pediatr 2022;10:886334
- Guarracino. Perioperative hypotension: causes and remedies. J Anesth Analg Crit Care 2022;2:17
- Ferrier. Propofol detection for monitoring of intravenous anaesthesia: a review. J Clin Monit Comput 2022;36:315–323
Dr J Randall Curtis
- Abdulnour. Deliberate Practice at the Virtual Bedside to Improve Clinical Reasoning. N Engl J Med 2022; 386:1946-1947
- Curtis. Integrating palliative care into the ICU: a lasting and developing legacy. Intensive Care Med 2022;epublished May 16th
- Grigorescu. Dubito ergo sum. Pathologies that can mimic sepsis. J Crit Care Med 2022;8(2):77-79
- Jackson. Antithrombotic Therapy for Venous Thromboembolism. JAMA 2022;epublished May 16th
- Bibbins-Domingo. The Imperative for Diversity and Inclusion in Clinical Trials and Health Research Participation. JAMA 2022;epublished May 16th
- Mellhammar. New, Useful Criteria for Assessing the Evidence of Infection in Sepsis Research. Crit Care Explor 2022;4(5):e0697
- Ostermann. Extracorporeal Blood Purification Is Appropriate in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19 and Multiorgan Failure: COMMENTARY. Kidney360 2022;3(3):423-425
- Deep. PCRRT Expert Committee ICONIC Position Paper on Prescribing Kidney Replacement Therapy in Critically Sick Children With Acute Liver Failure. Front Pediatr 2022;10:897308
- Buiteman-Kruizinga. Automation to improve lung protection. Intensive Care Med 2022;epublished May 20th
- Goldstick. Current Causes of Death in Children and Adolescents in the United States. N Engl J Med 2022;386:1955-1956
- Whebell. The need to define “who” rather than “if” for ECMO in COVID-19. Intensive Care Med 2022;epublished May 17th
- Levy. Hidden Harlequin syndrome in neonatal and pediatric VA-ECMO. Crit Care 2022;26:146
- Anand. Quality of last journey. Intensive Care Med 2022;epublished May 20th
- Chotalia. Characterising right ventricular dysfunction in acute respiratory distress syndrome due to COVID-19: which measurements are best?. Intensive Care Med 2022;epublished May 20th
Case Reports
- Tejero-Aranguren. Pulmonary Air Embolism in a Patient with COVID-19 with Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Support. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2022;205(10):1239
- Song. Infratentorial subdural effusion: an imaging hint of a first-seen intracerebral Corynespora cassiicola infection. Intensive Care Med 2022;epublished May 19th
- Walter. A red flag for diagnosing brain death: decompressive craniectomy of the posterior fossa. Can J Anesth 2022;epublished May 18th
- Quek. Lessons of the month 1: Mesenteric ischaemia secondary to infective endocarditis. Clin Med 2022;22:282-284
- Camilleri. Lessons of the month 2: Olanzapine-induced hypothermia and hand oedema. Clin Med 2022;22:285-286
- Bounhiol . Aspergillus detection in airways of ICU COVID-19 patients: To treat or not to treat? J Mycol Med 2022;32(3):101290
- Ono. Dual P-waves in a patient after heart transplantation. QJM 2022;115(5):318
- Kakkar. Atrocious tetrad in paraquat poisoning. QJM 2022;115(5):310–311
- Hanai. Methotrexate-associated pneumonitis. QJM 2022;115(5):305–307