Critical Care Reviews Newsletter
Newsletter 565 | October 9th, 2022
Please support our work to share science

CCR23 Registration Opens Monday, October 17th
Welcome to the 565th Critical Care Reviews Newsletter, bringing you the best critical care research and open access articles from across the medical literature over the past seven days.
The highlight of this week's edition is the long-term outcomes from the REST randomised trial. There are also guidelines on maternal cardiac arrest & treatment of acute pain in children; narrative reviews on acute meningitis & heart failure after right ventricular myocardial infarction; editorials on acute respiratory distress syndrome & understanding statistical power; and commentaries on traumatic brain injury & frailty in intensive care medicine; as well as correspondence on PEEP & defining right ventricular dysfunction in critical illness.
If you only have time to read one review article this week, try this one on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in COVID-19 associated acute respiratory distress syndrome.
PILOT Trial Results Livestream - Monday, October 24th
We're delighted to announce our next livestream will be the results presentation of the PILOT trial, a 2,250-patient cluster-randomized cluster-crossover trial comparing a lower SpO2 target (90%; range 88-92%), an intermediate SpO2 target (94%; range 92-96%), and a higher SpO2 target (98%; range 96-100%) with regard to the outcome of days alive and free of invasive mechanical ventilation. As usual, this will be a full, free livestream including results, independent editorial, viewers questions and expert panel discussion. It is scheduled to start at 20:00 UTC+1. More details will follow over the coming days.
CCR23 - June 14th to 16th
Registration for the Critical Care Reviews Meeting 2023 opens on Monday October 17th at 7pm UTC+1. If you are interested in the latest major trials in critical care, this is the meeting for you. CCR22 attracted in-person delegates from 26 countries, so if you want to attend this small niche event, it's best to book early. For those who can't attend in-person, we will livestream the entire conference for free, to ensure equity of access to the latest scientific advances in our field. However, nothing quite beats the anticipation of being in Titanic Belfast to hear the results of the latest landmark trials presented for the first time and discussed in depth by an expert panel and audience.
Support CCR
You can support Critical Care Reviews, from as little as the price of a cup of coffee per month or make a one-off donation. We are not-for-profit and make all our content free to view. Our aim is to share science for the benefit of all - please join us in this mission.
Randomised Controlled Trials
- Krause. A Randomized Pilot Study Assessing if SEDLine Monitoring During Induction of Surgical Patients is Associated With Reduced Dosage of Administered Induction Agents. Semin Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2022;epublished October 5th
- Wu. Low-dose versus high-dose dexamethasone for hospitalized patients with COVID-19 pneumonia: A randomized clinical trial. PLoS One 2022;17(10):e0275217
- Kaye. Effect of Cefepime/Enmetazobactam vs Piperacillin/Tazobactam on Clinical Cure and Microbiological Eradication in Patients With Complicated Urinary Tract Infection or Acute Pyelonephritis. A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2022;328(13):1304-1314
Systematic Review & Meta Analyses
- Rajsic. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for cardiogenic shock: a meta-analysis of mortality and complications. Ann Intensive Care 2022;12:93
- Bogossian. The Impact of Invasive Brain Oxygen Pressure Guided Therapy on the Outcome of Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Neurocrit Care 2022;epublished September 30th
- Feng. Dexamethasone for the treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine 2022;101(39):e30195
- Fernando. Inotropes, vasopressors, and mechanical circulatory support for treatment of cardiogenic shock complicating myocardial infarction: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Can J Anaesth 2022;epublished October 4th
Observational Studies
- Boyle. Acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure after treatment with lower tidal volume ventilation facilitated by extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal: long-term outcomes from the REST randomised trial. Thorax 2022;epublished October 5th
- Celik. Routine whole-body CT identifies clinically significant findings in patients supported with veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Clin Radiol 2022;epublished October 2nd
- Guglielmo. High-Flow Nasal Cannula Reduces Effort of Breathing But Not Consistently via Positive End-Expiratory Pressure. Chest 2022;162(4):861-871
- Kullberg. Lung Microbiota of Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19 Are Associated with Nonresolving Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2022;206(7):846–856
- Pandya. The association of obstetric anesthesiologists, India – An expert committee consensus statement and recommendations for the management of maternal cardiac arrest. J Obstet Anaesth Crit Care 2022;12:85-93
- Age and the anaesthetist: considerations for the individual anaesthetist and workforce planning. Guidelines for the ageing anaesthetic workforce from the Association of Anaesthetists. Anaesthesia 2022;77(11):1259-1267
- Guidelines for treatment of acute pain in children - the consensus statement of the Section of Paediatric Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy of the Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy. Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther 2022;54(3):197-218
- Mehta. A practical update on the management of patients with COVID–19. Clin Med 2022;22(5):468-474
- Niazi. A Review of Extracorporeal Blood Purification Techniques for the Treatment of Critically Ill Coronavirus Disease 2019 Patients. ASAIO Journal 2022;68(10):1219-1227
- Cavus. Opportunistic Candida Infections in Critical COVID-19 Patients. Polish Journal of Microbiology 2022;71(3):411–419
- Alouani. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Detection: Past, Present, and Future. Biomedicines 2022;10:2472
- Carter. The management of acute meningitis: an update. Clin Med 2022;22(5):396-400
- Carter. Sepsis and the brain: a review for acute and general physicians. Clin Med 2022;22(5):392-395
- Krishnan. Antiplatelet treatment for acute secondary prevention of non-cardioembolic minor stroke / transient ischaemic attack: an update for the acute physician. Clin Med 2022;22(5):449-454
- Dono. Gut microbiome and neurocritically ill patients. Neurocrit Care 2022;15(1):1-11
- Midega. Ketamine use in critically ill patients: a narrative review. Rev Bras Ter Intensiva 2022;34(02):287-294
- Voicu. Extracorporeal life support in cardiotoxicant poisoning - a narrative review. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol 2022;epublished October 5th
- Blackwood. Setting up a Rescue Extracorporeal Life Support Program. ASAIO Journal 2022;68(10):e158-e162
- Frat. High-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy in acute hypoxemic respiratory failure and COVID-19-related respiratory failure. J Intensive Med 2022;epublished September 29th
- Freund. Acute Pulmonary Embolism. A Review. JAMA 2022;328(13):1336-1345
- Nägele. Heart Failure After Right Ventricular Myocardial Infarction. Curr Heart Fail Rep 2022;epublished October 5th
- Moskowitz. Oxygen-Free Days as an Outcome Measure in Clinical Trials of Therapies for COVID-19 and Other Causes of New-Onset Hypoxemia. Chest 2022;162(4):804-814
- Zhang. Prone positioning in ARDS patients supported with VV ECMO, what we should explore?. J Intensive Care 2022;10:46
- Assouline. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in COVID-19 associated acute respiratory distress syndrome: A narrative review. J Intensive Med 2022;epublished October 4th
- Wahab. Cardiovascular Complications of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in the Intensive Care Unit and Beyond. Medicina 2022;58:1390
- Murugan. Fluid Overload and Precision Net Ultrafiltration in Critically Ill Patients. Cardiorenal Med 2022;epublished October 6th
- He. Sepsis-induced AKI: From pathogenesis to therapeutic approaches. Front Pharmacol 2022;epublished September 15th
- White. Severe malaria. Malar J 2022;21:284
- Daunt. Human monkeypox infection. Clin Med 2022;22(5):387-391
- Crepet. Infections in people who inject drugs on the acute medical take. Clin Med 2022;22(5):383-386
- Zhaori. Severe acute hepatitis of unknown causes in children - Current findings, questions, opinions, and recommendations, a mini-review. Pediatr Investig 2022;6(3):211-218
- Szántó. Pediatric Neuroanesthesia — a Review of the Recent Literature. Curr Anesthesiol Rep;epublished October 6th
- Ramos. Subphenotyping of critical illness: where protocolized and personalized intensive care medicine meet. Rev Bras Ter Intensiva 2022;epublished September 12th
- László. Preparing the Patient for ICU Transfer: What Is the Anesthesiologist’s Role?. Curr Anesthesiol Rep 2022;epublished October 3rd
- Owyang. Latest in Resuscitation Research: Highlights From the 2021 American Heart Association's Resuscitation Science Symposium. J Am Heart Assoc 2022;11(19):e026191
- Seelhammer. Antithrombin Replacement and Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: The time is ripe for a Simpler Solution. ASAIO J 2022;68(10):e166-e167
- Maas. Traumatic brain injury: progress and challenges in prevention, clinical care, and research. Lancet Respir Med 2022;September 29th
- Chinnery. Traumatic brain injury advances since 2017: what has changed? Lancet Respir Med 2022;September 29th
- Jung. Frailty in intensive care medicine must be measured, interpreted and taken into account!. Intensive Care Med 2022;epublished October 7th
- Casso. Swiss Latin Airway Guidelines: a holistic approach for improving airway management. Swiss Med Wkly 2022;152:w30225
- Li. Volume-OXygenation Index to Predict HFNC Failure: How to Capture the Tidal Volume Matters. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2022;epublished October 5th
- Briassoulis. The best PEEP or the optimal PEEP or the piece PEEP of the mechanical power puzzle?. Crit Care 2022;26:298
- Flower. The challenges of defining right ventricular dysfunction in critical illness. Anaesthesia 2022;77(11):1306-1314
Case Reports
- Ahmed. Urgent decompression of tension pneumomediastinum in a patient to relieve elevated intracranial pressure: a case report. J Neurocrit Care 2022;15(1):61-64
- Na. Recanalization of the middle cerebral artery after prolonged induced hypertensive therapy to rescue early neurologic deterioration: a case report. J Neurocrit Care 2022;15(1):69-75
- Kim. A case of Brown-Sequard syndrome caused by spinal cord infarction. J Neurocrit Care 2022;15(1):76-77
- Dominguez-Rojas. Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in a child with severe multisystem inflammatory syndrome due to COVID-19. Rev Bras Ter Intensiva 2022;34(02):295-299
- Gómez. Uncommon Cause of Hemoptysis in a 15-Year-Old Boy. Chest 2022;162(4):e161-e164
- Kobe. A 73-Year-Old Man With Refractory Hemoptysis. Chest 2022;162(4):e165-e168
- Ghosh. Acute Dyspnea After Lung Transplantation. A Twisted Tale. Chest 2022;162(4):e169-e172
- Chao. A 44-Year-Old Woman with Dyspnea and Hemoptysis in the Setting of Remote Bariatric Surgery. Chest 2022;162(4):e173-e176
- Chacko. A 62-Year-Old Immunocompromised Man With Halo Sign on Chest Imaging. Chest 2022;162(4):e177-e181
- Dutta. A Mediastinal Mass in a Middle-Aged Woman From a Rare Cause. Chest 2022;162(4):e183-e190
- Virdi. Encephalopathy and Hypoxia After Dislodgement of a Hemodialysis Catheter. Chest 2022;162(4):e191-e193
- Subramaniam. A Case of Sonographic Blackout Lung. Chest 2022;162(4):e195-e199
- Zhang. Shark Fin Electrocardiogram in the Intensive Care Unit. Circulation 2022;146:1099–1102
- Denu. Thinking Outside the Heart. N Engl J Med 2022;387:1310-1316
- Bandaru. Toxic Megacolon Due to Fulminant Clostridioides difficile Infection. N Engl J Med 2022;387:1309
- Cleave. Acute paraparesis during surfing: the perils of riding the wave. Clin Med 2022;22(5):475-477
- Abdulghani. Lesson of the month: Cytotoxic lesions of the corpus callosum (CLOCCs) in status epilepticus. Clin Med 2022;22(5):493-495
I hope you find this newsletter useful.
Until next week