Critical Care Reviews Newsletter
Newsletter 576 | December 25th, 2022
Please support our work to share science

From all at the Critical Care Reviews Team, we wish you a wonderful Christmas and peaceful New Year.
See you in 2023.
Best wishes
Randomised Controlled Trials
- Lee. Effect of high-flow oxygen versus T-piece ventilation strategies during spontaneous breathing trials on weaning failure among patients receiving mechanical ventilation: a randomized controlled trial. Crit Care 2022;26(1):402
- Farber. Surgery or Endovascular Therapy for Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia. N Engl J Med 2022;387:2305-2316
- Inkinen. Non-interventional follow-up versus fluid bolus in RESPONSE to oliguria in hemodynamically stable critically ill patients: a randomized controlled pilot trial. Crit Care 2022;26:401
- Raman. Effect of Saline vs Gluconate/Acetate-Buffered Solution vs Lactate-Buffered Solution on Serum Chloride Among Children in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: The SPLYT-P Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Pediatr 2022;epublished December 19th
- Emara. Mannitol for prevention of acute kidney injury after liver transplantation: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Anesthesiol 2022;22(1):393
- Guidry. Trial of Antibiotic Restraint in Presumed Pneumonia: A Surgical Infection Society Multicenter Pilot. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2022;epublished November 18th
Systematic Review & Meta Analyses
- Paton. The Effect of Mobilization at 6 Months after Critical Illness — Meta-Analysis. NEJM Evidence 2022;epublished December 20th
- Li. Diagnostic value of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid galactomannan assay for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in adults: A meta-analysis. J Clin Pharm Ther 2022;47(12):1913-1922
- Poon. Dexmedetomidine for adult cardiac surgery: a systematic review, meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis. Anaesthesia 2022;epublished December 19th
Observational Studies
- Aldujeli. A prospective observational study on impact of epinephrine administration route on acute myocardial infarction patients with cardiac arrest in the catheterization laboratory (iCPR study). Crit Care 2022;26:393
- Becher. Isoflurane vs. propofol for sedation in invasively ventilated patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure: an a priori hypothesis substudy of a randomized controlled trial. Ann Intensive Care 2022;12(1):116
- Dorken-Gallastegi. Balanced blood component resuscitation in trauma: Does it matter equally at different transfusion volumes? Surgery 2022;epublished December 15th
- Lagebrant. Brain injury markers in blood predict signs of hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy on head computed tomography after cardiac arrest. Resuscitation 2022;epublished December 20th
- Heldeweg. The Impact of Thoracic Ultrasound on Clinical Management of Critically Ill Patients (UltraMan): An International Prospective Observational Study. Crit Care Med 2022;epublished December 23rd
- Bendiab. Long-Term Outcome of Severe Metabolic Acidemia in ICU Patients, a BICAR-ICU Trial Post Hoc Analysis. Crit Care Med 2023;51(1):e1-e12
- Bourcier. A multicentric prospective observational study of diagnosis and prognosis features in ICU mesenteric ischemia: the DIAGOMI study. Ann Intensive Care 2022;12:113
- Daverio. Continuous Kidney Replacement Therapy Practices in Pediatric Intensive Care Units Across Europe. JAMA Netw Open 2022;5(12):e2246901
- Cralley. Zone 1 Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta vs Resuscitative Thoracotomy for Patient Resuscitation After Severe Hemorrhagic Shock. JAMA Surg 2022;epublished December 21st
- Mavromanoli. Recovery of right ventricular function after intermediate-risk pulmonary embolism: results from the multicentre Pulmonary Embolism International Trial (PEITHO)-2. Clin Res Cardiol 2022;epublished December 21st
- Güresir. PrImary decompressive Craniectomy in AneurySmal Subarachnoid hemOrrhage (PICASSO) trial: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2022 Dec 20;23(1):1027
- Bruder. The REACT study: design of a randomized phase 3 trial to assess the efficacy and safety of clazosentan for preventing deterioration due to delayed cerebral ischemia after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. BMC Neurol 2022;22(1):492
- Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations: Acute Stroke Management, 7th Edition Practice Guidelines Update, 2022. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences 2022;epublished December 19th
- Communication from the Scientific and Standardization Committee of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis on sepsis-induced coagulopathy in the management of sepsis. J Thromb Haemost 2022;epublished December 6th
- Zakrison. Review Paper on Penetrating Brain Injury. Ethical Quandaries in the Trauma Bay and Beyond. Ann Surg 2023;277(1):66-72
- Tas. Cerebral multimodality monitoring in adult neurocritical care patients with acute brain injury: A narrative review. Front Physiol 2022;13:1071161
- Liu. Ultrasonic Diagnosis and Management of Posthemorrhagic Ventricular Dilatation in Premature Infants: A Narrative Review. J Clin Med 2022;11(24):7468
- Burša. Anticoagulation Management during Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation-A Mini-Review. Medicina 2022;58(12):1783
- Lim. Phenotyping and Hemodynamic Assessment in Cardiogenic Shock: From Physiology to Clinical Application. Cardiol Ther 2022;11:509–522
- Cusack. Endothelial Damage and the Microcirculation in Critical Illness. Biomedicines 2022;10(12):3150
- Forzano. Efficacy of the New Inotropic Agent Istaroxime in Acute Heart Failure. J Clin Med 2022;11(24):7503
- Viceconte. Unraveling Pathophysiology of Takotsubo Syndrome: The Emerging Role of the Oxidative Stress’s Systemic Status. J Clin Med 2022;11(24):7515
- Pastore. Bedside Ultrasound for Hemodynamic Monitoring in Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. J Clin Med 2022;11(24):7538
- Kopanczyk. A Brief History of Cardiothoracic Surgical Critical Care Medicine in the United States. Medicina 2022;58:1856
- Kopanczyk. Developing Cardiothoracic Surgical Critical Care Intensivists: A Case for Distinct Training. Medicina 2022;58(12):1865
- Haeberlin. Conduction System Pacing Today and Tomorrow. J Clin Med 2022;11(24):7258
- Malaczynska-Rajpold. Leadless Cardiac Pacing: New Horizons. Cardiol Ther 2022;epublished November 22nd
- Riccardi. Heart failure: an update from the last years and a look at the near future. ESC Heart Fail 2022;9(6):3667-3693
- Rosseel. How to perform focused transoesophageal echocardiography during extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation? Eur Heart J - Cardiovasc Imag 2023;24(1):12–14
- Obermaier. Advanced and Invasive Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Techniques as an Adjunct to Advanced Cardiac Life Support. J Clin Med 2022;11(24):7315
- Belur. Targeted Temperature Management in Cardiac Arrest: An Updated Narrative Review. Cardiol Ther 2022;epublished December 17th
- Battaglini. Ten rules for optimizing ventilatory settings and targets in post-cardiac arrest patients. Crit Care 2022;26:390
- Su. Spontaneous Breathing and Pendelluft in Patients with Acute Lung Injury: A Narrative Review. J Clin Med 2022;11(24):7449
- See. Approach to acute respiratory failure for frontline clinicians. Singapore Med J 2022;63(12):740-745
- Budin. Pulmonary Fibrosis Related to Amiodarone—Is It a Standard Pathophysiological Pattern? A Case-Based Literature Review. Diagnostics 2022;12(12):3217
- Alves. How to Identify Invasive Candidemia in ICU—A Narrative Review. Antibiotics 2022;11(12):1804
- Magréault. When and How to Use MIC in Clinical Practice? Antibiotics 2022;11(12):1748
- Walker. Current and Emerging Treatment Options for Multidrug Resistant Escherichia coli Urosepsis: A Review. Antibiotics 2022;11(12):1821
- Corona. Antibiotic Therapy in the Critically Ill with Acute Renal Failure and Renal Replacement Therapy: A Narrative Review. Antibiotics 2022;11(12):1769
- Pereira. β-Lactam Dosing in Critical Patients: A Narrative Review of Optimal Efficacy and the Prevention of Resistance and Toxicity. Antibiotics 2022;11(12):1839
- Radosevich. Levosimendan And Septic Cardiomyopathy – A Key That May Have Found Its Lock? J Cardiothor Vasc Anesth 2022;epublished December 19th
- Lacquaniti. Acute Kidney Injury: Advances in Clinical Management. J Clin Med 2022;11(24):7308
- Merdji. Acute and Long-Term Cardiovascular Complications among Patients with Sepsis and Septic Shock. J Clin Med 2022;11(24):7362
- Tobin. ARDS: hidden perils of an overburdened diagnosis. Crit Care 2022;26:392
- Hu. Continuous bladder urinary oxygen tension as a new tool to monitor medullary oxygenation in the critically ill. Crit Care 2022;26:389
- Shorr. Statistics on steroids: How recognizing competing risks gets us closer to the truth about COVID-19-associated VAP. Crit Care 2022;26:397
- Reade. Perspective: the top 11 priorities to improve trauma outcomes, from system to patient level. Crit Care 2022;26:395
- Waydhas. Failing an automated comprehension test while being able to report on needs: eyetracking in critically ill intubated patients should not be underestimated. Crit Care 2022;26:400
- Polok. Authors` response to “Efficacy of noninvasive ventilation in patients with COVID-19”. Crit Care 2022;26:399
Case Reports
- Wildes. Diaphragmatic hernia: an infant in respiratory distress. BMJ Case Rep 2022;15(12):e252194
- Baruah. Wooden chest syndrome: A curious case of fentanyl induced rigidity in adults. Indian J Anaesth 2022;66(12):881-882
- Tetsuhara. Girl with respiratory failure and shock. J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open 2022;3(6):e12873
- Vetrugno. Severe Recurrent COVID-Associated Pulmonary Aspergillosis: A Challenging Case. Healthcare 2022;10(12):2483