Critical Care Reviews Newsletter
Newsletter 584 | February 20th, 2023
Please support our work to share science
UK REBOA Trial Results at CCR23
Welcome to the 584th Critical Care Reviews Newsletter, bringing you the best critical care research and open access articles from across the medical literature over the past seven days.
The highlights of this week's edition are randomised controlled trials comparing tenecteplase with alteplase in acute ischaemic cerebrovascular events & ultrasound-guided and clinically-guided fluid management in children with septic shock; systematic reviews and meta analyses on general anesthesia compared to non-general anesthesia in endovascular thrombectomy for ischemic stroke & insulin infusion dosing in pediatric diabetic ketoacidosis; and observational studies on protocolized care of patients with severe traumatic brain injury without intracranial pressure monitoring & lung ultrasound prediction for acute respiratory distress syndrome.
There are also guidelines on anesthetic care of the pregnant patient with cardiovascular disease & extracorporeal treatment for ethylene glycol poisoning; narrative reviews on noninvasive methods to monitor intracranial pressure & challenges in ARDS definition, management, and identification of effective personalized therapies; as well as commentaries on recent advances in critical care & five new realities in critical care for patients with cancer.
If you only have time to read one review article this week, try this one on how to manage coagulopathies in critically ill patients.
Critical Care Reviews Meeting 2023
We've started to announce the trials to be presented at CCR23. So far, on the programme we have CLOVERS, comparing early restrictive with liberal fluid management for sepsis-induced hypotension; AID-ICU, investigating haloperidol for delirium in the ICU; DEVICE, comparing video with direct laryngoscopy for emergency intubation in the critically ill; and the UK REBOA trial, the first randomised trial evaluating REBOA in trauma patients with uncontrolled torso haemorrhage. We have another two great trials to add this week. If you're planning on attending CCR23, don't be slow to book either the meeting or your accommodation, or you'll miss out!
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Randomised Controlled Trials
- Wang. Tenecteplase versus alteplase in acute ischaemic cerebrovascular events (TRACE-2): a phase 3, multicentre, open-label, randomised controlled, non-inferiority trial. Lancet 2023;epublished February 9th
- Kaiser. A Study to Compare Ultrasound-guided and Clinically-guided Fluid Management in Children with Septic Shock. Indian J Crit Care Med 2023; 27 (2):139-146
- Figiel. Postoperative Supplemental Oxygen in Liver Transplantation (PSOLT) does not reduce the rate of infections: results of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Med 2023;21:51
- Kumar. A prospective, randomized, controlled study comparing two surgical procedures of decompressive craniectomy in patients with traumatic brain injury: Dural closure without dural closure. J Clin Neuroscience 2023;108:30-36
Systematic Review & Meta Analyses
- Campbell. General Anesthesia Compared to Non-GA in Endovascular Thrombectomy for Ischemic Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Neurology 2023;epublished February 16th
- Liu. Efficacy and safety of early enteral and intravenous fluid resuscitation in severe acute pancreatitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Colorectal Dis 2023;38(1):36
- Forestell. Insulin Infusion Dosing in Pediatric Diabetic Ketoacidosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Crit Care Explor 5(2):e0857
- Ista. Factors Associated With Delirium in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2023;epublished February 15th
- Meco. Pharmacological prevention of postoperative delirium in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a bayesian network meta-analysis. J Anesth 2023;epublished February 14th
Observational Studies
- Batchelor. Immediate Cooling and Early Decompression for the Treatment of Cervical Spinal Cord Injury: A Safety and Feasibility Study. Ther Hypothermia Temp Manag 2023;epublished February 13th
- Zhang. Association between Mean Arterial Pressure during the First 24 Hours and Clinical Outcome in Critically Ill Stroke Patients: An Analysis of the MIMIC-III Database. J Clin Med 2023;12(4):1556
- Krzywicka. Decompressive surgery in cerebral venous sinus thrombosis due to vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia. Eur J Neurol 2023;epublished February 11th
- Roderick. The Implementation of a Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA) Program at a Level 1 New England Trauma Center: Feasibility and Early Outcomes. Am Surg 2023;epublished February 9th
- Chesnut. Testing the Impact of Protocolized Care of Patients With Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Without Intracranial Pressure Monitoring: The Imaging and Clinical Examination Protocol. Neurosurgery 2023;92(3):472-480
- Smit. Lung Ultrasound Prediction Model for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Multicenter Prospective Observational Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2023;epublished February 15th
- Isokuortti. One-Year Survival of Ischemic Stroke Patients Requiring Mechanical Ventilation. Neurocrit Care 2023;epublished February 9th
- Galerneau. Management of Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in the ICU: An Observational Study From the OUTCOMEREA Database, 1997-2018. Crit Care Med 2023;epublished February 15th
- Kensara. Incidence and Clinical Outcomes of New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation in Critically lll Patients with COVID-19: A Multicenter Cohort Study - New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation and COVID-19. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 2023;epublished February 15th
- Bazzi. Effect of Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant Agents on Outcomes Following Emergent Surgery for Traumatic Brain Injuries. Am Surg 2023;epublished February 14th
- Lombardi. Ultrasound during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Global Approach. J Clin Med 2023;12(3):1057
- Russell. Comorbidities, multimorbidity and COVID-19. Nat Med 2023;epublished February 16th
- Avella. Lung Transplantation for Coronavirus Disease-2019 Patients and Coronavirus Disease-2019 in Lung Transplant Recipients. Clin Chest Med 2023;44(1):191-199
- Le Guennec. Blood–brain barrier dysfunction in intensive care unit. J Intensive Med 2023;epublished February 15th
- Dattilo. Noninvasive methods to monitor intracranial pressure. Curr Opin Neurol 2023;36(1):1-9
- Ranjan . Controls of Central and Peripheral Blood Pressure and Hemorrhagic/Hypovolemic Shock. J Clin Med 2023;12(3):1108
- Manson. Running from a Bear: How We Teach Vasopressors, Adrenoreceptors, and Shock. ATS Scholar 2013;epublished February 13th
- Milasinovic. Coronary Microcirculation: The Next Frontier in the Management of STEMI. J Clin Med 2023;12(4):1602
- Arora. Serum Chloride and Heart Failure. Kidney Med 2023;epublished February 10th
- Tagliari. New Practices in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: How I Do It in 2023. J Clin Med 2023;12(4):1342
- Skaarup. Influenza and cardiovascular disease pathophysiology: strings attached. Eur Heart J 2023;25(Suppl):A5–A11
- Battaglini. Challenges in ARDS Definition, Management, and Identification of Effective Personalized Therapies. J Clin Med 2023;12:1381
- Boccatonda. Infectious Pneumonia and Lung Ultrasound: A Review. J Clin Med 2023;12(4):1402
- Jasirwan. Bio-Artificial Liver Support System: A Prospective Future Therapy. Livers 2023;3:65-75
- Morrison. Potential Therapies for Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure. Liver Int 2023;epublished February 17th
- Helms. How to manage coagulopathies in critically ill patients. Intensive Care Med 2023;epublished February 17th
- Marcos-Jubilar. Immunothrombosis: Molecular Aspects and New Therapeutic Perspectives. J Clin Med 2023;12(4):1399
- Cilloniz. Advances in molecular diagnostic tests for community-acquired pneumonia. Minerva Respiratory Medicine 2023;62(1):42-9
- Wang. Recent advances in the study of sepsis-induced depression. J Intensive Med 2023;epublished February 11th
- Cutuli. Antimicrobial Exposure in Critically Ill Patients with Sepsis-Associated Multi-Organ Dysfunction Requiring Extracorporeal Organ Support: A Narrative Review. Microorganisms 2023;11:473
- Beare. Cerebral malaria—using the retina to study the brain. Eye 2023;epublished February 14th
- Zaragoza. Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis: Not Only a Disease Affecting Immunosuppressed Patients. Diagnostics 2023;13:440
- Delrue. Vitamin D Deficiency: An Underestimated Factor in Sepsis? Int J Mol Sci 2023;24(3):2924
- Abdelhamid. Recent advances in critical care. Med J Aust 2023;epublished February 11th
- Grotberg. Timing of Intubation in COVID-19: When It Is Too Early and When It Is Too Late. Crit Care Explor 2023;5(2):e0863
- Venkatesan. Society of Critical Care Medicine Critical Care Congress 2023. Lancet Respir Med 2023;epublished February 9th
- Fage. Norepinephrine and Vasopressin in Hemorrhagic Shock: A Focus on Renal Hemodynamics. Int J Mol Sci 2023;24(4):4103
- D’Gama. Role of genomic medicine and implementing equitable access for critically ill infants in neonatal intensive care units. J Perinatol 2023;epublished February 11th
- Burki. Platform trials: the future of medical research? Lancet Respir Med 2023;epublished February 8th
- Dobkin. The ultimate tradeoff: how red cell adaptations to malaria alter the host response during critical illness. AJP Lung 2023;epublished February 6th
- Kapoor. The Curing Coma Campaign®: Concerns in the Indian Subcontinent. Indian J Crit Care Med 2023;27(2):89-92
- Park. Neuromonitoring for prognostication under ECMO. Intensive Care Med 2023;epublished January 15th
- Dumas. Five new realities in critical care for patients with cancer. Intensive Care Med 2023;epublished January 9th
- Papoutsi. Association between driving pressure and mortality may depend on timing since onset of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Intensive Care Med 2023;epublished January 9th
- Cai. Erector spinae plane block ameliorates acute gastrointestinal injury. Intensive Care Med 2023;epublished February 14th
- Mongardon. Norepinephrine formulation for equivalent vasopressive score. Crit Care 2023;27:62
- Bleeser. Neurodevelopmental effects of prenatal exposure to anaesthesia for maternal surgery: a systematic review and classification of the reported effect sizes. Anaesthesia 2023;epublished February 13th
Case Reports
- Bernardes-Souza. A Case of Bradycardia With Irregular Rhythm and Varying QRS Morphology. J Am Coll Cardiol Case Rep 2023;epublished February 8th
- Nourbakhsh. Assessment of fluid status in neonatal dialysis: the need for new tools. Pediatr Nephrol 2023;38(4):1373–1379
- Sharma. Temporary hypoxemia at high altitude in an intensive care unit physician. SAGE Open Med Case Rep 2023;epublished February 7th
- Laici. Planned Extracorporeal Life Support Employment during Liver Transplantation: The Potential of ECMO and CRRT as Preventive Therapies-Case Reports and Literature Review. J Clin Med 2023;12(3):1239
I hope you find this newsletter useful.
Until next week