Critical Care Reviews Newsletter
Newsletter 585 | February 26th, 2023
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CCR23 - The Best Critical Care Trials in the World
Welcome to the 585th Critical Care Reviews Newsletter, bringing you the best critical care research and open access articles from across the medical literature over the past seven days.
The highlights of this week's edition are randomised controlled trials on inhaled prostacyclin therapy in the acute respiratory distress syndrome & fluid balance control in critically ill patients; systematic reviews and meta analyses on the association between neuromuscular blocking agents and the development of intensive care unit-acquired weakness & the effects of remdesivir in patients hospitalised with COVID-19; and observational studies on plasma neurofilament light chain protein as a predictor of neurological outcome after cardiac arrest & myoclonus in comatose patients with electrographic status epilepticus after cardiac arrest.
There is also a consensus report on sepsis-associated acute kidney injury; narrative reviews on external ventricular drainage & ICU nutrition; editorials on the art of the null hypothesis & the hemodynamic impact of prone positioning; and commentaries on early nutrition prescription in critically ill patients & antifungal management in ICU.
If you only have time to read one review article this week, try this one on whether artificial intelligence can help for scientific writing.
Critical Care Reviews Meeting 2023
This week we announced that the TEAM and PILOT trials were to be presented at CCR23 by their chief investigators, Profs Carol Hodgson and Matthew Semler, respectively. TEAM evaluated early active mobilisation during mechanical ventilation in the ICU, while PILOT investigated optimum oxygen saturation targets in critically ill patients receiving mechanical ventilation.
They join CLOVERS, comparing early restrictive with liberal fluid management for sepsis-induced hypotension; AID-ICU, investigating haloperidol for delirium in the ICU; DEVICE, comparing video with direct laryngoscopy for emergency intubation in the critically ill; and the UK REBOA trial, the first randomised trial evaluating REBOA in trauma patients with uncontrolled torso haemorrhage. If you're planning on attending CCR23, don't be slow to book either the meeting or your accommodation, or you'll miss out!
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Randomised Controlled Trials
- Haeberle. Inhaled prostacyclin therapy in the acute respiratory distress syndrome: a randomized controlled multicenter trial. Respir Res 2023;24:58
- Bollaert. Fluid balance control in critically ill patients: results from POINCARE-2 stepped wedge cluster-randomized trial. Crit Care 2023;27:66
- Qu. Nighttime dexmedetomidine for delirium prevention in non-mechanically ventilated patients after cardiac surgery (MINDDS): a single-centre, parallel-arm, randomised, placebo-controlled superiority trial. eClinMed 2022;56:101796
- Mølstrøm. A randomized, double-blind trial comparing the effect of two blood pressure targets on global brain metabolism after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Crit Care 2023;27:73
Systematic Review & Meta Analyses
- Bellaver. Association between neuromuscular blocking agents and the development of intensive care unit-acquired weakness (ICU-AW): a systematic review with meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis. Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med 2023;epublished February 16th
- Lockstone. Benefits and risks of ventilator hyperinflation in mechanically ventilated intensive care patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Aus Crit Care 2023;epublished February 21st
- Pladet. Prognostic models for mortality risk in patients requiring ECMO. Intensive Care Med 2023;49:131–141
- Amstutz. Effects of remdesivir in patients hospitalised with COVID-19: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Lancet Respir Med 2023;epublished February 21st
- Taran. Prognostic Factors Associated With Extubation Failure in Acutely Brain-Injured Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Crit Care Med 2023;51(3):401-412
- McHenry. Association Between Socioeconomic Status and Outcomes in Critical Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Crit Care Med 2023;51(3):347-356
Observational Studies
- Milling. Final Study Report of Andexanet Alfa for Major Bleeding With Factor Xa Inhibitors. Circulation 2023;epublished February 20th
- Khanna. Association of systolic, diastolic, mean, and pulse pressure with morbidity and mortality in septic ICU patients: a nationwide observational study. Ann Intensive Care 2023;13;9
- Nutma. Myoclonus in comatose patients with electrographic status epilepticus after cardiac arrest: corresponding EEG patterns, effects of treatment and outcomes. Resuscitation 2023;epublished February 21st
- Yarnell. Oxygenation thresholds for invasive ventilation in hypoxemic respiratory failure: a target trial emulation in two cohorts. Crit Care 2023;27:67
- Heldeweg. The Impact of Thoracic Ultrasound on Clinical Management of Critically Ill Patients (UltraMan): An International Prospective Observational Study. Crit Care Med 2023;51(3):357-364
- Lammers. Use of Bayesian Statistics to Reanalyze Data From the Pragmatic Randomized Optimal Platelet and Plasma Ratios Trial. JAMA Netw Open 2023;6(2):e230421
- Hallet. Association Between Familiarity of the Surgeon-Anesthesiologist Dyad and Postoperative Patient Outcomes for Complex Gastrointestinal Cancer Surgery. JAMA Surg 2023;epublished February 22nd
- Worden. The prognostic impact of acute kidney injury recovery patterns in critically ill patients with cirrhosis. Liver Transpl 2023;29(3):246-258
- Jeantin. Electroencephalography for prognostication of outcome in adults with severe herpes simplex encephalitis. Ann. Intensive Care 2023;13:10
- Duclos. Excess mortality among non-COVID-19 surgical patients attributable to the exposure of French intensive and intermediate care units to the pandemic. Intensive Care Med 2023;epublished February 25th
- Nutma. Myoclonus in comatose patients with electrographic status epilepticus after cardiac arrest: corresponding EEG patterns, effects of treatment and outcomes. Resuscitation 2023;epublished February 21st
- Roux. Impact of renal replacement therapy strategy on beta-lactam plasma concentrations: the BETAKIKI study—an ancillary study of a randomized controlled trial. Ann Intensive Care 2023;13:11
- Levin. Plasma neurofilament light is a predictor of neurological outcome 12 h after cardiac arrest. Crit Care 2023;27:74
- Martín-Cerezuela. Severe community-acquired Streptococcus pneumoniae bacterial meningitis: clinical and prognostic picture from the intensive care unit. Crit Care 2023;27:72
- Bertuccio. External Ventricular Drainage: A Practical Guide for Neuro-Anesthesiologists. Clin Pract 2023;13(1):219-229
- Xiao. Postoperative delirium, neuroinflammation, and influencing factors of postoperative delirium: A review. Medicine 2023;102(8):e32991
- Vitali. Decompressive Craniectomy in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: The Intensivist's Point of View. Diseases 2023;11(1):22
- Mahajan. Endocrine Dysfunction After Traumatic Brain Injury: An Ignored Clinical Syndrome?. Neurocrit Care 2023;epublished February 14th
- Kareemi. Initial Diagnosis and Management of Acutely Elevated Intracranial Pressure. J Intensive Care Med 2023;epublished February 19th
- Abdulla. Neurogenically Originated Inflammatory Response Syndrome: Role in the Neurocritical Patient. J Neurointensive Care 2022; 5(2):39-43
- Maurya. Neurotrauma Care, “Golden Hour” or “Golden Sixty Minutes”. J Neurointensive Care 2022;5(2):44-47
- Wexler. Growth Hormone Deficiency Following Traumatic Brain Injury in Pediatric and Adolescent Patients: Presentation, Treatment, and Challenges of Transitioning From Pediatric to Adult Services. J Neurotrauma 2023;epublished February 24th
- Tsiouris. Fundamentals of weaning veno-arterial and veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Indian J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2023;epublished February 16th
- Chen. Hemoglobin-Based Oxygen Carriers: Where Are We Now in 2023? Medicina 2023;59(2):396
- Kaya. Approaches and Challenges for Biosensors for Acute and Chronic Heart Failure. Biosensors 2023;13:282
- Falco. Pathophysiology-Based Management of Acute Heart Failure. Clin Pract 2023;13(1):206-218
- Volpe. Endocrine functions of the heart: from bench to bedside. Eur Heart J 2023;44(8):643–655
- Kaddoura. Transcatheter mitral valve repair in acute and critical cardiac conditions. Heart Views 2023;24:29-40
- Copeland. Keep the Right in Mind-A Focused Approach to Right Ventricle-Predominant Cardiogenic Shock. Life 2023;13(2):379
- Bradić. Cardioplegia in Open Heart Surgery: Age Matters. J Clin Med 2023;12(4):1698
- Rizzo. Advancing Precision Medicine for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. J Clin Med 2023;12:1563
- Pruit. The basics of mechanical ventilation in adults. Nursing 2023;53(3):27-35
- Millington. Agitated Saline Contrast Injection in Patients with Severe Hypoxemia. J Intensive Care Med 2023;epublished February 24th
- Hermans. Current insights in ICU nutrition: tailored nutrition. Curr Opin Crit Care 2023;epublished February 24th
- Vanhorebeek. The epigenetic legacy of ICU feeding and its consequences. Curr Opin Crit Care 2023;epublished February 16th
- Kwiatkowska. Renal Microcirculation Injury as the Main Cause of Ischemic Acute Kidney Injury Development. Biology 2023;12:327
- Patel. Urethral Injuries: Diagnostic and Management Strategies for Critical Care and Trauma Clinicians. J Clin Med 2023;12(4):1495
- Lang. Hemodiafiltration: Technical and Medical Insights. Bioengineering 2023;10(2):145
- Łagosz. Renal Assessment in Acute Cardiorenal Syndrome. Biomolecules 2023;13(2):239
- Piva. Neurological complications of sepsis. Curr Opin Crit Care 2023;epublished February 16th
- Adams. Antimicrobial Stewardship Techniques for Critically Ill Patients with Pneumonia. Antibiotics 2023; 12(2):295
- Karampatakis. Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae: Virulence Factors, Molecular Epidemiology and Latest Updates in Treatment Options. Antibiotics 2023;12(2):234
- Karruli. Evidence-Based Treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infections: A Critical Reappraisal. Antibiotics 2023;12(2):399
- Cutuli. Antimicrobial Exposure in Critically Ill Patients with Sepsis-Associated Multi-Organ Dysfunction Requiring Extracorporeal Organ Support: A Narrative Review. Microorganisms 2023;11(2):473
- Berlot. The Techniques of Blood Purification in the Treatment of Sepsis and Other Hyperinflammatory Conditions. J Clin Med 2023;12:1723
- Wenzler. Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing: An Updated Primer for Clinicians in the Era of Antimicrobial Resistance: Insights from the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists. Pharmacotherapy 2023;epublished February 24th
- Kavi. Trauma and syncope: looking beyond the injury. Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open 2023;8:e001036
- Fage. Norepinephrine and Vasopressin in Hemorrhagic Shock: A Focus on Renal Hemodynamics. Int J Mol Sci 2023;24:4103
- Hunt. ABCDEFGHI Systematic Approach to wound assessment and management. Nursing 2023;53(3):16-25
Paediatrics & Neonatology
- Sood. Complications during mechanical ventilation-A pediatric intensive care perspective. Front Med 2023;10:1016316
- Agarwal. Medical emergencies in pediatric blood & marrow transplant and cellular therapies. Front Pediatr 2023;11:1075644
- Baltogianni. Antibiotic Resistance and Biofilm Infections in the NICUs and Methods to Combat It. Antibiotics 2023;12(2):352
- Dumbuya. Paediatric sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE): a comprehensive review. Mol Med 2023;29:27
- Wacker. Quality indicators for anesthesia and perioperative medicine. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 2023;36(2):208-215
- Kampman. Anaesthesia and environment: impact of a green anaesthesia on economics. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 2023;36(2):188-195
- Rübsam. A call for immediate climate action in anesthesiology: routine use of minimal or metabolic fresh gas flow reduces our ecological footprint. Can J Anesth 2023;epublished February 22nd
- Gasteiger. Peripheral Regional Anesthesia Using Local Anesthetics: Old Wine in New Bottles? J Clin Med 2023;12(4):1541
- Koch. Reliance on fossil fuels: ethical implications for intensivists. Intensive Care Med 2023;epublished February 22nd
- O'Donnell. The Art of the Null Hypothesis—Considerations for Study Design and Scientific Reporting. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anaesth 2023;epublished February 21st
- London. The Ethics of Clinical Research. Managing Persistent Uncertainty. JAMA 2023;epublished February 20th
- Vieillard-Baron. Hemodynamic impact of prone position. Let's protect the lung and its circulation to improve prognosis. Intensive Care Med 2023;epublished February 23rd
- Gershengorn. Introducing CHEST Critical Care. Chest Crit Care 2023;1(1):100001
- Faucoz. Moving beyond the lines: lung ultrasound pixel-wise computer-assisted analysis for critically ill patients. Crit Care 2023;27:68
- Howard. ChatGPT and antimicrobial advice: the end of the consulting infection doctor? Lancet Infect Dis 2023;epublished February 20th
- Arora. The promise of large language models in health care. Lancet 2023;401(10377):641
- Roldan-Valadez. Brain Death Diagnosis in Primary Posterior Fossa Lesions. Neurol India 2023;71:164-5
I hope you find this newsletter useful.
Until next week