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Critical Care Reviews Meeting 2025

The best critical care trials in the world

June 11th to 13th, 2025  |  Titanic Belfast


The Best Critical Care Trials in the World

There will be our usual mix of major trial result presentations, reviews of the best trials of the past year and panel discussions of various aspects of clinical trials.

Results Presentations

The Best Critical Care Trials in the World

These are the first presentations of the results of major critical care trials and usually occur in conjunction with a simultaneous publication in a major general medical journal. Each results session lasts 90 minutes, including time for the results presentation, independent editorial, questions and a panel discussion.


Ischaemic Preconditioning in Non Cardiac Surgery

ANH Trial

Acute normovolemic hemodilution in cardiac surgery patients


Temporary Transvenous Diaphragm Pacing versus Standard of Care for Weaning From Mechanical Ventilation

Trial Registration  |  Trial Protocol  |  RESCUE 2


CT-Perfusion and CT-Angiography for Death by Neurologic Criteria

Trial Registration  |  Trial Protocol

ENCOMPASS trial logo


Engagement and Collaborative Management to Proactively Advance Sepsis Survivorship
TTM2 logo

TTM2 Biomarkers

Biomarkers of Brain Injury after Cardiac Arrest
PROMIZING Trial logo


Proportional Assist Ventilation for Minimizing the Duration of Mechanical Ventilation


Nasal High-Flow Oxygen Therapy after Cardiac Surgery


Crystalloid FLUID Choices for Resuscitation of Hospital Patients


Evaluating the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a conservative approach to oxygen therapy for invasively ventilated adults in intensive care


Gastroenteritis Rehydration Of children with Severe Acute Malnutrition

TARGET Protein

Augmented Administration of Enteral Protein to Critically Ill Adults

John Hinds Lecture 2025

"Ukuthola ubuhle"

John Myburgh

Prof John Myburgh

Sydney, Australia

Dr John Hinds

Dr John Hinds was a remarkable doctor and person. He worked as a prehospital physician, providing medical cover to professional motorbike road races, as well as being an intensivist and anaesthetist at Craigavon Area Hospital in County Armagh, Northern Ireland.

Sadly, in 2015, John died whilst on duty at the Skerries 100 Road Race in Dublin. He leaves a legacy of improved trauma care, not just in Northern Ireland, but with a vision and passion that had impact worldwide through his lectures and talks. Locally, he was one of the most prominent voices campaigning for a HEMS service, which is now established and highly successful.

Every year at the Critical Care Reviews Meeting, we remember our friend and colleague with the John Hinds Lecture, delivered by a world leading critical care clinician. The 2025 edition will be delivered by Prof John Myburgh, another impressive individual with a remarkable story to tell. The lecture is titled "Ukuthola ubuhle".

John Hinds

Dr John Hinds

1980 - 2015